[@Raijinslayer] I'm a front liner. Just fixing a few things with my CS. Aaaand here it is! [center][h3]Matsuda Takeo[/h3] [hider=Matsuda Takeo][img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Samurai7-HayashidaHeihachi2_7202.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [List] [*][b]Name[/b]: Matsuda Takeo [*][b]Age[/b]: 16 [*][b]Personality[/b]: Takeo is known to be quite passive, though cheerful and optimistic. He floats through life with a smile on his face, and is quick to help those whom ask. Though despite his friendliness, he is very hard to know, and has an unwillingness to form bonds. He is quiet beyond idle banter, only truly opening up when asked about his work. He is somewhat lazy and often reluctant to go above the minimum of what he is asked, though he will do nearly anything if pressed. He is quick to laugh and soft of voice, and enjoys food more than most. [*][b]Motive to live[/b]: Takeo was selected for the project, and found he could not turn down the offer of working directly with the engineers on his own Framewerk. Part of the bargain demanded he also pilot it to eliminate alien threats to the Earth, but he is ignorant to the true implications of this. In light of this, he fights only because he was asked to. [*][b]Background[/b]: Takeo grew up in an outer-rim planet locked in war with the Cruxi. His parents were killed early into his childhood, and he remembers little of them. He was quickly drafted into helping maintain and repair armed vehicles as a combat engineer, and honed his skills over the years. Though his creations lack polish, they are usually strong and functional, and he is capable of delicate operations in the thick of battle. Just after his sixteenth birthday, Takeo was extracted from his home world and brought to Earth to serve in the Framewerks project. [*][b]Notable Deaths[/b]: Ivan Sparrow - Six months before Takeo was drafted into the Framewerk project, his best friend Ivan was killed in an explosion during a skirmish with the Cruxi. Takeo still blames himself for the event, and it has led to his emotional vacancy and inability to form new friendships. [/List] ________________________________________ Framewerk Sheet [List] [*][b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: Iron Sparrow [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [center][hider=Iron Sparrow][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/121/r169_457x256_20740_Knight_one_2d_fantasy_skull_armor_dark_fantasy_heavy_armor_knight_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Iron Sparrow is a crude Frame made of thick, heavy, unpolished gray steel. Dexterity is lost upon it - its legs have little mobility, instead requiring powerful thrusters in the feet to aid in locomotion. Its only marking is a white-blue star on the center of the mask, a symbol Takeo also wears on a cord around his neck. [*][b]Signature Weapon System[/b]: [b]Paladin[/b] - Iron Sparrow is equipped with a massive steel blade, connected at the wrist, and a giant kite-shaped shield plate embedded in its back. The blade can retract along the arm, but the shield is stationary. The blade is not very sharp - rather, it crushes foes through sheer force with the aid of the thrusters on the forearms of the Frame. The shield is rudimentary, but its sheer size and thickness allows it to withstand almost anything while Iron Sparrow protects its comrades. [*][b]Secondary Weapon System[/b]: Iron Sparrow contains hundreds of repair drones within itself, allowing minor repairs to other Framewerks. Its own plating is too thick, however, for repair drones to be of any use on itself. [*][b]Flight-Capability/Thrusters[/b]: Iron Sparrow uses thrusters mounted on the wrists and feet for movement. It is quite slow, and to make up for this, Iron Sparrow has the unique capability to equip a device known as an [b]Overbooster[/b] thanks to the shield on its back. The Overbooster is planted directly on the shield, and is a massive engine capable of propelling Iron Sparrow linearly at extreme speeds. Once its fuel is depleted, it detaches. This allows Iron Sparrow to punch immediately into enemy ranks, where it can do the most good, but does nothing to help with the Framewerk's otherwise poor mobility. [*][b]Special Ability[/b]: N/A [/list]