Alula wasn't looking all that well. Despite not sustaining a single bit of damage from the horde of goblins, she was fading fast. Or something was. She wasn't hovering quite as far off the ground, and several time she actually touched her feet to the ground as if trying to rebalance herself. She didn't speak to Vis, although she occasionally glanced over her shoulder, reaffirming for herself that the half elf hadn't moved or died. And when Alula did speak it was in a strange language, no longer the common tongue. All of her words seemed disjointed and spacey, as she kept watch and made sure no straggling goblins spotted the spot where Vis was recovering. Her glowing was fading as well, no longer as bright and blinding. She could hear someone moving through the trees, and struggled to lift her staff and aim an attack. She never fired however, as she recognized Kelvin. The girl lowered her staff, muttering weakly. "A man who tangles with death and yet never stays."