[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_IQrtg2vVo]Warakuma High, Auditorium[/url][/h3] Sato got an answer he half-expected. He mulled over it for a second in his head before answering Dragunov’s mirror question. [color=skyblue]”My own type…? I guess it would be a girl who’s quiet and sweet, but can get what she wants if need be. Know what I mean? A girl who can look out for herself but isn’t afraid of looking out for others and being looked after.”[/color] The teen looked at the floor for a second before continuing. [color=skyblue]”Basically a nice girl with spunk. Aesthetically, though, glasses are pretty much have a must-have. A bespectacled beauty is a step above a regular beauty.”[/color] The boy shifted his weight to one hip and looked at Dragunov firmly. He was glad he was more of the gentle giant type, as having someone of his stature being all aggressive and rambunctious would be rather terrible. Having anyone being all aggressive and rambunctious is terrible anyway, Sato considered, but still. A swing from Dragunov would probably knock Sato out cold, or at least send him to the ground. Regardless, Sato had founded some kind of base for a potential friendship. He wasn’t sure how sturdy said base was but it was there and that was good at least. Their future as comrades was uncertain at best. The conversation eventually died off until they were merely just in the presence of each other, and once Sato couldn’t bear the awkward silence any longer, the willowy teen wondered away from the lofty boy and found the closest person he knew, which turned out to be a girl from his class who had a shockingly similar personality to his own but had radically different interests. They found conversation in their quirks and thoughts that they somehow shared; often they shared the same sentiment towards keeping their interactions brief as to not run out of material to discuss. But somehow neither wanted to try to find someone else to talk to as they waited for Leiko to present the next thing on her drama agenda.