Well, I probably cannot successfully replace your image of the rogue as there are many interpretations of what a rogue can do, but between the basic four stereotypical adventuring classes, the rogue with its backstab damage is the closest thing to high damage over time that the party can get. particulary as he adds more d6's and more attacks to the mix. I cannot say much for 4th ed, which is where I assume you get the term striker from, as I have never actually gotten around to reading the rules for that system. So I must admit my perspective comes mostly from 3.5 and pathfinder. I like pathfinder a bit more as it offers way more variety in exactly what a rogue can be which again is great because what a rogue is, can be very personal or situational. Though looking it up quickly the rogue is still listed under striker and still considered to be dps. So yeah from a purely mechanical standpoint the rogue's job in a fight is to stand opposite the fighter and stab your kidney's till your precious hp reaches zero.