[@Fat Boy Kyle] Not at all! Just as long as you're aware of the mind screwy nature is all. [@Thanatos] It just punches and bite things? You don't want anything else at all? [quote=@Cultural Titan] Does the notable death have to be related to the war? [/quote] Nope, not at all! [@Tancuras] Accepted! Glad to have Matsuda and Sparrow on board! ------- I'll go ahead and post my own character here: [list] [*][b]Name[/b]: Korie Ridley [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Boy or Girl, no one is quite sure.][img]http://i.imgur.com/OLLSdSG.jpg[/img][/hider] [*][b]Age[/b]: 16 [*][b]Personality[/b]: Korie is an interesting individual, coming off as a kind person and putting everyone before them. They’re someone who follows orders without question but at the same time only if it is what they believe to be best for humanity. Telling lies is something that they would do if it means to protect and keep people safe, and if Korie would have to kill the few to save the many then they would do so. In the field of battle, Korie is calm and collected, keeping a level head even through the toughest of situations… but sometimes, sometimes they question if they truly are fighting for all these other people, or if deep down they are just wanting to fight for themselves. [*][b]Motive to live[/b]: To be honest, Korie doesn’t have much of a reason except for the orders given to them. They just want to live and survive and see the next day… to see the sun and breathe the air again. To have a chance to continue dreaming. [*][b]Background[/b]: Korie comes from mother Earth, and raised from birth to be a soldier by parents who aimed to create a child who would be ‘perfect’. Korie was their prize, something to be cherished and taken care of. Homeschooled and given regularly tests on a daily basis, this was their child’s life for years. To Korie, however, life was incomplete; everyday was another unhappy lecture or rudimentary test… the same old, same old… everything was the same. Until Korie’s mother was killed in a lab explosion. After the incident, Korie’s father began to perform even more tests on his own as he abandoned his child to the military. Years passed and Korie was taken into the Framewerk units. [*][b]Notable Deaths[/b]: Korie’s Mother… Not much is known about their father or even if they are still alive or not. [*][b]Other things[/b]: Prefers to keep gender hidden. Good luck getting to know them. [/list] [list] [*][b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: Aester [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Aester, The White Framewerk][img]http://i.imgur.com/pVNYNEg.png[/img][/hider] [*][b]Signature Weapon System[/b]: Aester’s weapon is its ability to cause enormous vibrations throughout its body and focus it towards a single focus point to cause severe damage by using the pendulums that are hidden in its arms, shoulders, chest, and legs. While the limbs are well armored as a result, the joints are not, allowing flexible maneuverability for Aesther; a Jack-of-trades of sort. [*][b]Secondary Weapon System[/b]: Aesther has retractable stakes underneath its arms and legs that allow it to pierce and stick to large foes, or to hold its ground if it needs to unleash a large shockwave to collapse the nearby surroundings (for example a canyon pass) , or if it just needs an immediate weapon. [*][b]Flight-Capability/Thrusters[/b]: Korie’s Framewerk has built-in thrusters that are fairly normal and capable of decent flight and space travel if necessary, but for the most part it maneuvers like a normal Framewerk. [*][b]Special Ability[/b]: Blank. [/list]