[quote=@akje] Right. Before I start hacking away at my post (lots of work on phone) I need to know what needs to go. Kronshi did you read my explanation on page 48? What kind of challenge is the Ettin suposed to be? I understand I may have misinterpretted the general feel of the setting. I haven't read any good arguments against the post, so I have trouble seeing your problem here. PS: Don't threaten to kill characters like that. It's unnescesaried and unbecomming. [/quote] I guess the main problem I had with the post is that it has your character display a lot more power and skill than should really be available to a level one character, in addition to a LOT more power and skill than the rest of us had been displaying. Like, I read that and had this feeling of "Well, hell... why is my character even here?" Like, look at everyone else's contributions to the fight. Alula goes into Super Saiyan mode, and proceeds to relentlessly annoy the Ettin. Vis swordfights a guy, gets shot, and almost bleeds to death. Suki summons some skeletons who do some admittedly good work, but then almost passes out from the effort. Separ is half dead from being stabbed the whole time. Kelvin shoots a couple goblins, then uses one of his rare, expensive, one-use sticks of dynamite to kill a whole bunch of them. Carver kills a few goblins, but then gets covered by more of them and spends the rest of the fight getting wailed on in a dog-pile. Meanwhile, Furnace saves Carver (thanks a million for that, by the way), turns the whole battlefield into a raging lava inferno, goes full Attack on Titan on the miniboss and stabs the absolute bejeezus out of it with a melting sword. All without a scratch. That's hilariously awesome, of course, but it makes the rest of our characters sort of look like chumps? If you know what I mean?