[@Dragonbud] [@Kronshi] The side plot I had in mind was going to be very strange but I thought it could be fun. Plus it also gives our characters a chance to develop a little. (In this case Vis would also have quite a bit of development.) So what exactly is this side plot that I have? Well it's relatively simple. [hider=Side-Plot] We as a group help some girl/guy with a relatively simple quest. (Extremely easy) They of course have no money on them, and instead give us some deluxe tickets (Free snacks!) to a big top circus. Deciding we have nothing much better to do and considering that it's only a few hours long we decide to go and visit. Oh what a spectacle it is. It's got clowns, acrobats, a 'freak show', beast taming, and more. It's all put together by a charming man who calls himself the "Ring Master", and overall everyone in the group finds something to like about the show. Though strangely enough, despite how good this show is we're actually the only audience in the whole tent, as strange as it is. As the show continues on it eventually stops for a brief intermission where the ring master himself tells everyone that we can take a break to go get some more food or go outside and use the restroom. (a small outhouse) Some of us decide to stay, while a few of us decide to go and get some food or use the toilet. Those of us that stay talk to the ring master for a bit, before he pulls out what appears to be ear plugs and places them into his ears. He then takes out what looks like a large air horn (or something that makes lots of noise.) He then activates it, emitting a noise which is deafening and causes everyone in the room to become disoriented. Whoever is in the audience is then ambushed by clowns and fight a losing battle and are then tied up and are lead over to a large transparent room at the far end of the circus tent. Once they enter the room they are stripped of their weapons. (Which are placed on the opposite end of the transparent room) They are then unbound and the door is locked behind them. Still dazed from the sound earlier they don't react fast enough to escape, but their headache is now clearing. Those of us that went to get more food or use the restroom rush back as soon as we hear the deafening noise. We then discover our allies trapped in the transparent room, all the while a bunch of clowns/acrobats, the beast tamer from earlier, Two "head" clowns (one small but extremely fast, and another one that's large and powerful), one of the freaks from the freak show, (Really disfigured.) and the ring master himself. Obviously we at this point ask what's going on, to which the ring master replies with "Nothing but entertainment." and as he says this he pulls a lever releasing several types of monsters. One of them is a slow moving but extremely durable creature. It's armor looks so thick that those fighting it look like they'll barely be able to hurt it. The other creatures are worm-like with lots of legs. They're extremely easy to kill but are numerous and continue to regenerate unless you hit them in their one weak spot. Which is really tough when there's that many of them. Luckily they're also kind of slow, but not as much as the other creature. It's obvious that with enough time they'll be to tired to defend themselves properly and eventually succumb to their opponents. So at this point those of us inside the room rush for their weapons, while the rest of us charge the ring master and his cronies. However the ring master then points out that he has the key around his neck and the only way to save our friends is to fight in a series of 1 vs 1 (and in the case of the clowns 2 vs 2) duels. We ignore him though until all of the clowns and acrobats pull out guns, arrows, and a ton of other ranged weaponry. So we have no choice but to fight in these arena-like battles. When asked why he's doing this the ring master replies it's more entertaining that way than to just kill everyone at once, as it adds a certain "suspense" just like a real circus. He even comments that he's held many shows before, and that this is not his first, and will neither be his last. If we win our friends lives are spared. If we lose, all of us are killed and stripped of anything valuable. And so begins our glorious battle with the grand finale being a fight against the ring master. Also Vis vs. disfigured freak show guy. Why? The freak show guy can try to mess with his head telling him that they're both alike due to their injuries and scars. I'm sure Vis could get quite a bit of development from fighting someone else that's disfigured/mutated and evil. [/hider] So what do you guys think? Is this a decent plot, or is it too strange/weird?