The half-elf was still in the town, with the fire and the Ettin and the raiders. Maybe there were others, too; townsfolk who were still alive but couldn't make it out on their own. Carver set Furnace down gently and turned around. "He's hurt," he murmured to the girl. "He needs... help... I'll be back in a few... minutes." He took a step, then another, then a third. This wasn't so hard. Walking was just step after step, after all. Vis and the others were practically rescued already. He was getting quite close to the town now, he was certain - why, he could see the lights from the fires right in front of his eyes. Now he just had to find the half-elf, and everything would be grand. All these thoughts and more ran through the knight's head as he collapsed to the ground at Alula's feet, about a meter away from where he had placed the gnome. Carver tried to push himself back up as he'd done so many times during the day, but found he hadn't the strength. Failing that, he began to crawl, hand on knee, back towards the village. This was somewhat slower, but slow and steady won the race. The half-elf would be rescued, as sure as sure could be. The darkness closed in on the knight slowly and then immediately. A few feet later, he stopped crawling.