[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] Alula was here, but no one else. She was muttering about something though. Seemed to be running out of floating magic too. This wasn't great. If he was going to die with someone, it should be someone more sane than himself. [color=DodgerBlue]”We need to get moving further from -”[/color] And here came Sir Carver. Praise the Sun.... or not. The lump dropped off the wounded midget and then tried to crawl off back to town. Typical paladins; never there when you needed them. Kelvin rolled the armored figure on his back and unlatched the helmet, hissing at its heat as he slid it off. The other man would need to breath. Kelvin left him and eyed the gnome. Nothing he could do there. [color=DodgerBlue]”It is dangerous, but we can't afford to carry all of these.”[/color] Kelvin turned to Alula. [color=DodgerBlue]”I am going to work on a rough shelter, but don't light any fires. We don't need any attention.... besides, with any luck all the invaders will stick around to loot and be off by morning.”[/color] With that said, Kelvin went about gathering fallen branches and using the shears to clip some bushes. It was just a puzzle, and he was good at those. First, pick an area with close trees, and then use the larger branches as a frame that supports itself. Next, layer on some of the medium sized ones to obstruct vision more, and use the bushes as a light covering to conceal the constructed nature of it all. Luckily, he already had visualized what he wanted. He stood back to look it over, sighing. What he wouldn't give for a saw. It was basically just two rough walls of foliage facing town, with no roof. It was shelter from prying eyes at least. If it started to rain he could put up his tarp. First though... Kelvin moved to the paladin and grabbed him under his arms. Damn was he heavy. He gritted his teeth and dragged the man tug by tug behind the shelter. He picked up the gnome as well and laid him down carefully next to the knight. [color=DodgerBlue]”I have half a mind to just leave.”[/color] Kelvin grumbled and let his bag down off of his shoulder, slumping to the ground and examining his crossbow for damage. [color=DodgerBlue]”So, madam oracle of the flashy lights, I would suggest you take a nap. It only takes one of us to keep watch.”[/color]