The girl was panicking again. "[s]please. he is hurt we have to help him.[/s] [b]He brought this upon himself. Paladins are reckless monsters. He's a sun lover, no reason to help." [/b] She looked down at Furnace as Carver attempted to crawl away. "[i]This one is even more reckless. But he is already watched over, he does not need our help." [/i] Kelvin was a nice change of pace. He was uninjured and willing to make a shelter for the hurt. Alula didn't offer to help, knowing that she wouldn't be able to do much anyway. His actions were well placed, as if he had done this before. The shelter would provide enough for the weak, hopefully the others would find them. And yet the girl still panicked. "[s]please can't we try and heal them?[/s] [b]The little one is going to be fine, and we refuse to waste energy on the sun monster.[/b] [s]please.[/s] [b]And besides we need to reserve the last of our energy on protecting you."[/b] Alula turned to Kelvin, bright eyes burning. [b]"We cannot rest until the danger has passed. It is too dangerous for the girl. And she wishes to see the safe return of her companions before she sleeps."[/b] She paused, turning away from Kelvin and looking out into the woods for signs of the others. [b]"and besides. The moon is not out yet."[/b]