Khat held on tighter to Vis when she heard words, afraid. Though she barely knew the man that she was currently clutching on to, she felt safer with him then she felt in the crate and that satisfied her. "I'm noth thired." Said vis looking into the eyes of the floating oracle with a look of wonder. She looked so strange in this elevated form, Vis looked down at the child in his arms, "Her name with Khat." he stressed the 'T' sound, biting into it so that it sounded like a 'T' and not like a 'th'. Khat lifted her head form the half-elf's shoulder and looked up at Alula with wonder, her mouth slightly ajar as she tilted her head up to bask in her aura, "Vis, what is she?" she asked, her eyes turing form awe to scrutiny. Vis stopped to think for a moment, that was a good question and he didn't know how to answer it, "How abouth you athk her?" "What are you?" she asked, holding onto Vis tighter again and anticipating what the strange floating woman might have to say, she sniffled, trying to find a way to distract herself from her sadness.