Furnace found himself floating in a delicous bowl of warm soup. Birdcalls and muffled screams played on loop in the distance. [color=purple]"hello again. It has been a while has it not?"[/color] Furnace recognised the voice well. "It sure has. I've seen so much since last time." [color=purple]"I predicted your freedom did I not?"[/color] The hollow voice grinned without mouth or body, yet it's emotions were clear to Furnace. "You did! And I discovered plants. And food, and friends, and fights and-" [color=purple]"Fights. Yes."[/color] The voice interupted Furnace sternly. [color=purple]"And now you've gone and broken yourself you fool."[/color] ... "I discovered that too. I can just repair it right?"[color=purple]"And what if you break yourself too much one day? To an extent you can't be fixed?"[/color] ... "I hadn't thought of that. What happens then? Will I remain broken?" [color=purple]"That is something you will have to find out. Remeber you are more similar to these new.. friends of yours than you are to me."[/color] "The friends have given me names for me to call them by. Will you give me yours?" ... [color=purple]"Not until you know your own. Little Furnace. For now go do what you do best. You have barely used any of your potential. Nor have you even touched your negative reserves."[/color] "What good is the negative energy!? All it does is hurt!"[color=purple]"Ask... the Taster of Smiles."[/color] "Who is the taster of smiles!?" Furnace cringed trough the second part of the last sentence. A sharp sting in his shoulder informed him he was awake. Covered in sweat and panting from the exhausting pain he crawled out of the cloth he was wrapped in. As he looked around he saw trees and some of his new friends. He had no idea where he was. But judging by the marks on Carvers skin and armor he had been near him. Was he broken? Was he going to stay broken? He crawled over to the damaged paladin and unceremoneously let himself drop next to him, laying on his back with his good arm on Carver. Slowly he let energy flow from his hands and onto the fallen knights burns. Jolts of golden bright danced along fields of blistered skin until layers reattached, senew regrew and colors turned the right shade of bronze pink. Meanwhile Furnace looked to the other side the strange scented man build something impressive. "Hello again. I'm awake and soon I'll help you build.. that.. But first can you help me?" With his head he nodded at his bloody arm. "I need to repair this. But as is the core will not attach properly. I don't want a crooked arm because I fear it won't work as well. Can you hold it while I pump it full of positive energy?"