When Carver came to, he was struck by the sensation of not being on fire. He took a moment to appreciate how fine it was to not be immolated, then sat up quickly, his head swimming. He'd passed out. Weak. Selfish. Failure. Carver shook his head in an attempt to clear his brain of these thoughts. There would be time for self-loathing later, but not after everyone who could be saved had been. The knight examined the structure he'd been hidden behind for a moment. It was well-constructed, though obviously done in a hurry. Carver suspected Kelvin might be behind its creation - he wasn't sure who else could have thrown it together. He felt a pang of gratitude for the man who had risen to the occasion when Carver's strength had failed him. His was a noble example, indeed. He rose, shakily, and brought his gloved hands up to touch his unhelmed face. No burn marks. Alula's handiwork, or maybe Furnace's - once again, those he was meant to be protecting seemed to be protecting him. He'd have to do better. His head pounding, Carver stepped back into the clearing and was struck by two sights. One, Furnace was conscious, and conversing with Kelvin a short distance away; and two, Vis had returned, bringing with him someone new - a child, staring at Alula with rapt wonder. Kelvin and Furnace's efforts required thanks, thanks he would be sure to give them sooner rather than later. However, for the moment Carver was concerned with the health of the others - Alula, who had displayed such uncharacteristic power, and the girl, whose home had obviously just been burned down. "My lady!" he called out to Alula, managing not to wince from his soreness as he sauntered over to her. "Are you unharmed? I must offer my most sincere apologies for collapsing, as I did. It was... unbecoming of a knight, and will not happen again." He gave a warm smile to the girl and dropped down to a crouch to look her in the eyes. "And who's this one? Child, do not fear. No harm will come to you, not now. I am Sir Carver, Knight of the Sun, and I am very pleased to meet you."