Suki grimaced as she sat up. Alright, it seems she was going to have to drain someone soon. As she thought about this, her eyes had drifted over towards the man who had carried her out of the town. No, best not to take him yet...perhaps she'll find someone soon. Besides, he did not look like he could take a kiss from her and live, even if she wasn't trying to kill him. Muttering softly under her breath, "Saving someone like me was a waste of time.", she glanced back towards the rubble of the town. Her scythe was still back there. Although she could probably summon and assign an undead to bring it to her, not did not seem like the right time to do so. Turning towards Separ, she smiled. "I'm pretty certain that Kelvin and the paladin would keep everyone else safe. After all, you've only just gathered us today. It would be a horrible joke of the divines to kill us all off." Attempting to reassure the man, Suki looked around. Now that they were semi-safe, they would probably have to find the rest. Although running away now, while the paladin wasn't around, wasn't such a bad thought either.