[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] If she wanted to stay awake, that was her own business. But when he decided it was time to sleep, he wasn’t going to be waking for a while. "The half elf returns." Kelvin nodded in thanks. It was good to have a bit of warning, not that he would have put more than two crossbow bolts on anyone who jumped them, right at the moment. That girl was interesting, seeming to have multiple voices speaking for her at any one time. Personally though, if he had to choose one it would be the more dominant one. It seemed accustomed to giving out orders- not a trait he prefered, but the voice was practical and could hold up a conversation. He would have to see if he could draw it out more often for conversation, no offense to the poor girl it was speaking through. The scarred rogue appeared, carrying a child. Not a great development, but she could be useful. Old enough to do basic tasks at least, and to learn. Kelvin left them to talk to the oracle, instead choosing to do some more work on the shelter, until the gnome awoke.[b][color=DodgerBlue]”I wouldn't mind some practical help, I suppose.”[/color][/b] Kelvin looked at the crooked arm and grimaced. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”It won’t feel pretty for me to set it though. I am no doctor, so I will just have to straighten by feel.”[/color][/b] He paused for a moment, and felt his own arm up and down, looking intent. It was an odd idea. He knelt next to the small man and carefully felt the arm. If the little guy was moving about with it, he must have decent pain tolerance. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Start when I tell you, not before- and please don’t light me on fire.”[/color][/b] On a burst of inspiration, he picked up a stick and offered it to the poor guy, mimicking biting it with his teeth. Kelvin turned back to the arm and felt gently above and below the break, then suddenly tightened his grip, twisting the arm just slightly and bracing his body against any possible thrashing. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Now.”[/color][/b] Kelvin chose to look away from this particular event. Even as a man who had seen fingers crushed in gears and blown apart bits of partners, some memories were best left [i]un[/i]catalogued in ones brain. Other thoughts were better. Such as about Separ. Kelvin winced. It was really a shame. He hadn’t anything against him or that hooded girl, though he didn't trust her looks. Survival was the main thing for now.