(For Alula, happens prior to Carver) Khat looked to the ground and scuffed her boots in the dirt, the floating person was really nice and she could sense the warmth of hair kindness radiating off of her, ‘or is that the warmth of her glow?’ she wasn’t sure but she felt warmth. “What girl?” she asked, looking past Alula with even more interest, tilting her head at her before reaching up to tighten her bandana, “You’re here aren’t you? at least you look like you are here, its all relative, to me you are here and to someone else you might be there, but to me you are here, so what other girl must there be?” For a very long time, Khat had been blabbering about things that people didn’t really understand, or interpreted as the babble of a child, Relativity was one of them and she felt like she was on to something despite the critics of the adults.