[color=92278f][[/color][color=8882be]K[/color][color=a187be]a[/color][color=bc8dbf]s[/color][color=f49ac2]s[/color][color=f6989d]y[/color][color=92278f]][/color] Kassy watched as Paige let loose an attack on all of the guild, flipping over tables, and rolling chairs, mugs, and everything and everyone else lying around. Some people stood up, looking like they were ready for a fight now... though, their face did clearly mark it was all in play. [i]What a strange place... I'm not sure I could get used to this....[/i] she thought to herself. "Are you up for this, Kassy?" Paige then asked her. Kassy looked at her, blinked a few times, then added a quick nod. "S-sure." she said, before turning her head straight and raising her hands ready. A young boy that had been flung out of his chair and spilled all of his drink on himself, looked like he really wanted a piece of the action. He had quickly stood up, pulling his chair and table up with him, and sat them in place before flipping himself onto them and pushing off with his hands to launch himself at Kassy. "Huh, so new girl and Sky Dragon girl think they can mess up my meal and get away with it? Well you're in for a fight if you thought it would be that easy!" he laughed, slashing his right hand towards his right as he summoned a sword made out of water in his hand. Kassy saw the boy's attack was getting too close for her already, so she panicked, and dove out of the way, accidentally knocking Paige over with her. "Oh... sorry." she apologized to Paige. "Come on, up up! I'm not going to let you get away with this [i]that[/i] easy!" the boy said, reaching down and grabbing Kassy's arm to pull her up. After she was pulled up, the boy stumbled backwards a little bit, but shook his head to clear his thoughts again. [i]Now's my chance.[/i] Kassy then said, raising her hands and pulling the sword out from the boy's hand with her magic, launching it into the air and splashing it into someone's face that had just finished recovering from Paige's first attack. "Wa- hey! You can't do that with Telekinesis!" the boy laughed in joyful anger. "Not all magic's the same." Kassy then smiled. She was now opening up to her usual self. "Right. Then I guess you won't mind this, will ya?" the boy asked, then summoning an army of water swords over his head, then lobbing them at Paige and Kassy, while leaping at them and grabbing one of the blades from the air with a twirl.