The child's reaction wasn't one that Carver was entirely unused to. Armor was a mark of power, and power was all too often abused at the detriment of the poor. Likely, this child or her mother had had some bad experience with a thuggish hedge knight or minor lord - perhaps Carver might pay said men a visit, when the matter at hand was attended to. Another voice from his past. [i]"We do not make them love us, Carver. The Sun loves all, and asks for nothing in return. So must we."[/i] He smiled at her again as she was lifted to the tree. "I will keep watch, child. You will be safe." He turned, his smile fading as he heard Alula speaking. She was still in the bizarre state she'd entered into during the battle, seemingly at war with herself over everything she said. However, most of her disjointed statements seemed to have a single theme - she was displeased with the knight. He frowned. "My lady, if I have offended you, I offer my most sincere apologies. It is not my intention to threaten, nor to displease. And if you take issue with my faith, then... this need not be a matter of conflict between us. The Sun teaches us to understand, not to convert. If you are no longer desirous of my protection or my company, then you may release me from my vows, and I will depart without incident." He paused. "I... am glad to see you well. I did not stay close enough to you - I feared that that enemy spellcaster may have harmed you, after I was almost hit from behind by some spell." Carver straightened his back and turned on his heels to walk away. "I will keep watch for the rest of our party. You all should rest. We will decide our next move when we are all gathered." [i]It should not take a squad of Paladins to protect a village.[/i] He would do better.