[List] [*][b]Name[/b]: Elora Liu'un [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/17520zl,FncG81P]Elora Liu'un[/url] [*][b]Age[/b]: 14 [*][b]Personality[/b]: Elora is really shy and timid around others, and has a fear of offending anyone. If a boy starts talking to her she may spontaneously start crying, followed by her apologizing profusely. She is submissive and obedient due to being an emotional doormat, but has a bad habit of panicking when the situation turns bad. She blames herself for her colony world being destroyed, and thus apologizes for even the smallest of things in a pitiful attempt to forgive herself. [*][b]Motive to live[/b]: Elora wants to protect the human worlds from Cruxi invasion, and if possible, find out what happened to her parents. [*][b]Background[/b]: Elora never knew her parents, and lived in an orphanage for as long as she could remember. She was bullied there for being timid and shy around others. She wished for the bullying to stop at any cost, and she got her wish granted: her entire colony world was destryoed in a Cruxi attack, and as one of the few survivors she was sent to train in the piloting of a Framewerk. She doesn't remember it, but she has suspicions that she has been experimented on in some way. [*][b]Notable Deaths[/b]: Her orphanage, and by extension the colony world she lived on. Possibly her parents. [*][b]Other things[/b]: She likes computers and technical stuff, and has a dream of growing up to be an engineer. [/List] ________________________________________ Framewerk Sheet [List] [*][b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: XJ9-RSU. Elora calls it Rilus. [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/6B2XPvi]XJ9-RSU[/url]. [*][b]Signature Weapon System[/b]: Rilus' main mode of operation is collecting battlefield data which is achieved with the combined efforts of a built-in Combat Analyzer and Data Drones that shoot out from slots in Rilus' back. The Data Drones have laser turrets crafted into them for support fire, but their main use is in scanning enemy data for possible weak points or other noteworthy intelligence for the pilot to analyze and then relay to other pilots during a mission using the specialized antenna Rilus is also built with. The intelligence collecting speed is inversely proportional to Rilus' distance to enemy units, forcing Elora to keep close during combat despite having poor offensive capability. However, given the support of other Framewerks, the tactical advantage given by the collected data is sure to aid the entire squad. [*][b]Secondary Weapon System[/b]: Rilus is equipped with an Alloy Battle Rifle, or ABR, that has a high rate of fire and low recoil. It is most useful against swarmers or other low-armor enemies, but has minimal performance against above-average defenses, and completely useless against energy-based shields. [*][b]Flight-Capability/Thrusters[/b]: Rilus is equipped with a high-performance jet booster assisted by anti-grav projectors, allowing for high speed maneuvers and swift acceleration. This is unusual for a Framewerk with a quality of armor as high as Rilus has, but is possible due to the lack of effective weaponry the Framewerk has. [*][b]Special Ability[/b]: Blank [/list]