[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI_5PSt0UvU](For your listening pleasure)[/url] Alula watched as Carver spoke to the child, glad that at least someone had some sort of skills with childcare, and yet she still had her angry expression when he spoke to her. This man was clearly trying to talk down on her, trying to demean her. And then an expression of confusion. Why was this paladin so kind to her? Why was he so different from the others? His vows. He was still holding strong to his vow, even after seeing what she was and what she had become. He didn't understand, he couldn't understand. But perhaps that didn't matter. He took a pause in his speech, and she looked into his eyes. Her eyes were illuminated and unblinking. Why was he so kind? He was glad to see she was well. He was afraid that something had hurt her, while it was him who was in danger of the attack. He was not the danger, she was. Something snapped in her. Voices screaming to overpower each other. Arguments and battles within her mind. But as Carver turned away a single voice broke through, a weak and slurred voice. "Y...yes...a rest...would be...nice..." Alula slowly reached out her hand, fingers extended as if to grab him. Her eyes flickered, like faulty lighting, before finally fading out. Bright lights again replaced with hazy blue eyes. A soft burst of light. "I am...so tired..." Alula fell to the ground.