Furnace was staring at the sunset as he heard a thud behind him. He saw Alula lie down in the dirt. Confused he looked at the others, most seemed to either pay no mind or looked concerned. He remembered how he had been wrapped in a large blue cloth when he fell asleep. This was no doubt custom. So he chose not to ask questions and act as if he knew this was normal. He threw the cloth over her and rolled her in it. She seemed unhurt, so giving her some positive energy would only wake her. She did claim she wanted rest right? He could help her with that too... He toyed with ideas of experimentation while he glared at his hand where a diminutive black spark danced eagerly. It would help her sleep... But it would probably hurt... Furnace decided against it. At least until he found the taster of smiles. In the end he just dragged the cloth coccoon over to Kelvin. "You seem to have a plan regarding shelter? Where should she be?"