[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] The sound of the arm repairing itself was going to haunt him. Good thing he didn’t plan on much rest tonight. It was surprising that the durable gnome was willing to help afterword, but he would take it. Kelvin rocked back on his heels. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Separ hasn’t come back yet… give me some time to think.”[/color][/b] He smiled in a way that he hoped was reassuring. Kelvin sat by himself a bit farther from the others, ignoring the drama of various people working out their social differences. They had a bit bigger issue on hand. That army. It had swept away the town with little trouble, other than the small group they had here, which was more than unfortunate. A show of unnecessary force like that had two possible meanings; this was an intimidation technique, or this was a campaign. Being that the raider’s were mostly goblin… it looked closer to a campaign. Which put all of them directly in the path of it. They weren’t really far enough from town to be completely safe either. Kelvin was still deep in thought when the gnome carried over a bundle. It was a bit comical to see. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”I have been thinking.”[/color][/b] He motioned for him to put the oracle down, close to where the gnome and Carver had been laying. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”I have the gear to put a tiny shelter up, but it won't fit all of us... but besides that, I am not sure we should spend the night here.”[/color][/b] Kelvin gestured back towards town, the smoke and blood could easily be smelt, and the black clouds made the sunset all the more bloody. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”It isn't safe to stay so close. It would only take one enemy wandering about to spot us us.”[/color][/b] Kelvin lightly tapped his crossbow absentmindedly. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”And besides that, they will be moving on eventually. I think we should wait for darkness, take some time to rest, and head for the next town. A force that big will be slower than our group, so with some effort we can warn the next town down the road.”[/color][/b] If they didn't, then this horde might spread from town to town, eliminating them so fast there were few survivors to spread the warning.