[center][h1][u]True Faces[/u][/h1][/center] [center]A VR MMO Roleplay[/center] True faces is a VRMMORP with a slight difference. Unlike others where they expect you to be all 'balanced' or whatever, you can be as OP as you please. Because in this MMO, you are the legends. Your characters are all considered the best players in the game. This RP is all about what they do in their down time when they're busy not being the best, each character has some way of concealing their identity. The RP will be split up between their shenanigans in real life, and their shenanigans in game. Each character will be in the same school, and should also know at least one other character, so that way we can avoid no-interaction stalemates. Mostly the MMO system will be somewhat similar to the one from [url=http://japtem.com/projects/moonlight-sculptor-toc/]here[/url] in terms of the freeform quality in the NPCs, quests and story. But basically, just come up with whatever you want as long as it's cool and it doesn't clash. [hr] [h2][u][center]Character Sheets[/center][/u][/h2] [u][b]Real life:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] (Real name) [b]Age:[/b] (You're in highschool, but you can be a teacher or a janitor or a child genius if you want) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime style is preffered but I don't particularly mind) [b]Birthday:[/b] (Always gotta have a party) [b]Personality:[/b] (Make something fun to play) [b]Bio:[/b] (Add whatever you feel needs to be known) [u][b]In Game[/b][/u] [b]Avatar Name:[/b] (Name of your avatar, isn't floating above your head but appears in friend lists and whatnot) [b]Avatar Title:[/b] (The title other players give you, or like MMO titles) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Avatar's appearance) [b]Class:[/b] (You can make up a class if you want) [b]Signature Move/s:[/b] (What move or ability are you legendary for?) [b]Avatar Bio:[/b] (A little bit about how you're da bes)