Shiva was carefully making her way to an unoccupied seat in the transport shuttle when Shuo addressed her. She looked up for a moment, but waited until she was seated before answering. "It's not normally my look, I know, but it's likely the most effort I'll be ever putting into clothing." Shiva's voice lowered, "You're not looking too bad yourself, Shuo." "Hmhm," Shiva chuckled lightly at the frisky reptilians in front of her. For lack of anything better to do while they waited for takeoff, she tried contributing to the conversation that appeared, "I think 'search and destroy' might have different ways of being efficient than 'push datapads'." [i]Personally, I just hope they keep the team together,[/i] Shiva thought to herself. The onset of anxiety about that possibility made Shiva lean forward in her seat to ask Rareth a question. She waited for a pause in Rareth and Telmeck's games. "Hey, Rareth. Just to check, no one found out about the...unofficial debriefing, right?"