[h1]Separ[/h1] Separ frowned a little bit at the girls words. Sure he really wanted everyone to be fine, but would they? For now all Separ could do was hope that Carver, Kelvin, and all the others had come through. "I really hope they're okay." For a moment Separ and the girl sat in silence for a few minutes before Separ tried to stand up almost falling over in the process. While he had gained a little bit of his energy back, he still would be practically useless in a fight. Remembering he was wearing a backpack he took it off and laid it on the ground and pulled out two tents. Handing one towards the girl he began to ask her [b][color=ForestGreen]"Would you like to stay here for the night? I think I can walk, but it's getting pretty late. What would you prefer to do in this situation? I also have a medical kit in my backpack by the way, so we could always heal ourselves up before dark."[/color][/b] Sure Separ did not know the girl very well, but he trusted her. She didn't seem like a bad person after all, especially when she herself practically sacrificed her life when she fell down from over-exerting herself.