Hey there, This is my first post of what I hope to be many to come. I was actually quite a frequent user here about four years ago; I guess they deleted my account or something, alongside enacting a plethora of nice changes since. But now I'm back for more fun new sources to help hone my writing / creative juices. In any case, I don't want to make this into an introduction post... let's just get right into it shall we? Name: Antwon "Ant" Constance [url=https://www.wow247.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Christian-Bale-empire-of-the-sun.jpg]Appearance[/url] Age: 15 Personality: Most people would describe Ant as... a source of irritation. He will speak his mind, and often, it's probably not going to please somebody. Ant has a habit of leaving nasty first impressions, being particularly combative, strong-minded, and prone to acting on emotion. However, despite his off-putting demeanor, you would be hard-pressed to find a more adamant and strong-willed individual. When Ant puts his mind to something, he will follow it steadfast; whether it is wrong or right. In addition, once people get to know him (if they can will themselves), they will find that this volatile outer exterior is more of a shell to protect a much more empathetic interior. What motivates his statements, what others typically see as being rude and blunt, are his ways of trying to encourage others for the better. Ant's philosophy is that if everyone else is too polite to say what needs to be said, or do what needs to be done, he won't hesitate to be the first. Background / Notable Deaths: Both of Ant's parents were part of a FrameWerk unit placed on the front lines against the initial discovery of the Cruxi... as such, they were among the first to go. Being orphaned at a young age and without many answers, he would find solitude in fighting his peers. Letting out his anger physically was a great source of protection for himself; not so much physically, as he was a pretty poor fist-to-fist fighter. Rather, Ant took a great deal of pleasure in pain, so much as to seek it out, providing him a false barrier for his emotions. He only had one friend that understood him, a younger girl named Ariadne, whom he met after inadvertently saving her from a group of boys bullying her (Ant just wanted a fight... he didn't even notice the girl they had cornered). Like Ant, she was also parent-less. This helped them share a common bond. For years their friendship grew stronger, and Ariadne helped Ant see the better side of people... until the two of them were cornered by a group of thugs, mugged under the assumption that they had anything of value; leaving Ariadne for dead. This only served to completely reverse any good will Ariadne left on Ant, leaving him the angry and pessimistic character that he still is today. A solid year of looking for fights, day in and day out, left him completely battered, to a point where he himself was left for near death in an alleyway... it seemed that was what he was looking for. But scientists working with the FrameWerk, seeking him out due to his parent's history as solid fighters, found Ant just in time... and had different plans for the destitute boy. Motive to live: To prove his worth, and to protect "the few good" such as Ariadne from whomever he deems unfit to survive; Cruxi or otherwise. Framewerk Code Name: Perry [url=http://fred-h.deviantart.com/art/Mecha-59151937]Appearance[/url]. Signature Weapon System: The name of the game is shock and awe. Perry has no capabilities whatsoever in terms of CQC. However, he is equipped with two dual "pistols" of sorts, which fire detonative rounds that cause wide-spread, highly explosive damage. They sound quite effective. In actuality, they are middling in actual effect. They are not accurate by any means, even at medium range (which is where Perry tends to be most effective for his purposes), and can even cause damage to his allies if they're close enough. Furthermore, the actual damage they enact is more emphasized on being slowly corrosive, causing damage over time. They benefit mostly from their fire rate to make up for the lack of accuracy, and consistency of damage. Enemies are further encouraged to attack Perry as, if left unchecked for an extended period, the damage Perry can leave to a large group of enemies is significant (emphasis on being over a long stretch of time). The point of Perry is diversion and strategic breaks. Being one of the flashiest models (and at the same time flimsiest), both in terms of appearance and combat style, Perry is very capable at swiftly splitting massive hordes of enemies, essentially bringing bite sized platters for his more capable allies to handle in more manageable pieces; affectionately referred to by Ant as "The Reel". This is another detrimental aspect that makes Perry a potential threat for allies... get on Ant's bad side, and you may find yourself in a predicament where he uses the Reel to make things a little more "interesting" as opposed to helpful. Secondary Weapon System: In addition to diversion, Perry is equipped with a strategic mine kit. These mines, having varying capabilities depending on the mission, are not effective during combat, as they are slow to set up and place. However, they can prove especially crucial in the preparation of combat when in situations where given time to defend. This adds to Perry's primary focus on being a defense mech, as opposed to being offense oriented. Flight-Capability/Thrusters: In coordinance with Perry's primary duty of diversion, in addition to a lack of much offense or defense, the FrameWerk's combat speed and agility is unmatched. Seeing as even the slightest contact would lead to critical damage for Perry, maneuverability was made a top priority, with thrusters strategically placed so as to allow Perry to swiftly change and burst into new directions in a flash. However, this is only designed for combat, quick burst situations. As such, Perry is definitely average at best in terms of more "casual", long term flight capabilities. Special Ability: ?