[b]Name[/b]: Iskander Paradise [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/5/51/DaijuujiKuzaku.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140209220957]"All you see before you, and still so much more."[/url] [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Personality[/b]: Iskander is a precocious and unusually polite young man, and though he is quite intelligent, his perception is warped by naievity and years of brainwashing. While perfectly friendly, his strange sense of morality and persistent delusions about the world around him tend to drive others away. Despite that, he is headstrong, dedicated, and has a powerful sense of loyalty to those who have earned it. Though he keeps up a strong facade, anything sufficiently damaging to the delusion that was built around him (that he has in recent days contributed to) is severely damaging to his psyche. [b]Motive to live[/b]: Iskander sees the Cruxi as the embodiment of the Great Devourer, the force of the apocalypse as prophesied by his former cult. To stave them off is to fight off the ultimate incarnation of evil in his eyes. [b]Background[/b]: Born and raised on Hyperborea, a colony world far from Earth, Iskander was brought up as a member of the Sons of Lemuria, a strange militant cult that developed on Hyperborea over the last century. As a warrior of the Lemurians, Iskander was raised as a child soldier, destined to fight the heretics that populated the rest of Hyperborea and bring them under the law of Lemuria. Iskander trained his body and mind, and by the age of fourteen was both a capable warrior and scholar; a Lemurian paragon. The Sons of Lemuria were wiped out by the Hyperborean military well before Iskander ever went to war, and he was well as the other Lemurian children were taken in as wards of the state. There have been some rehabilitation efforts for Iskander and his peers, unlearning the seditious ideology ingrained in them by the Lemurian cult. Iskander's perception of the world was a very skewed one; even though the Lemurians had access to state-of-the-art technology, which he was perfectly proficient in using, he saw this as magic and sorcery rather than technology. Iskander has had more difficulty readjusting to society than most, and his rehabilitation has been cut short by his recruitment as a Framewerk pilot. [b]Notable Deaths[/b]: Iskander's parents, teachers, mentors and spiritual leaders have all been killed by the Hyperborean state for sedition against the government, as well as acts of terrorism. [*][b]Other things[/b]: Iskander is highly versed in a distorted version of Hyperborean history, Lemurian mythology, plasmic engineering ("pyromancy," as he knows it), and fighting in the twin-sword "Czar" style. ________________________________________ [b]Framewerk Code Name[/b]: Atlantis Mk. III Omnidynamic Neutralizer, or A3ON [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://www.1999.co.jp/itbig05/10051579a2.jpg]Thou art the innocent blade.[/url] [b]Signature Weapon System[/b]: The A3ON is powered by a unique joint-fusion core, utilizing hot and cold fusion simultaneously to power its systems, weapons in particular. A3ON generates plasma that can either approach a theoretical point of infinite heat or infinite cold, which is then magnetized and fired at the enemy through its twin plasma cannons, code-named CTHUGHA and ITHAQUA, respectively. Though the plasma cools/heats greatly away from the extremes reached in A3ON's core by the time it is fired, it is still extremely damaging to enemy units, and when the two substances meet, they produce explosions with enough force to sublimate foes. [b]Secondary Weapon System[/b]: A3ON's backup weapons are a pair of swords, codenamed BARZAI, the filaments of which can be vibrated intensely to superheat them and give them extreme cutting power. [b]Flight-Capability/Thrusters:[/b] Folded within A3ON's leg-shields are its SHANTAK flight system, a pair of bladelike wings that use the A3ON's exhaust runoff as a propulsion system. Clumsy and only truly efficient in short bursts, A3ON has very little maneuverability in flight, and cannot hover in-atmosphere. [b]Special Ability[/b]: ???