Soreth looked over to the door with a slightly sad look when it closed. He knew how unlikely it was to hope...but it was a matter for another time, anyway. Turning back to the bed, he changed into the new outfit as quickly as possible, clipping the belt and starting to pull on his boots just as a knock came at the door. With a slight sigh, the pale boy tugged the second boot on and stood, picking up the cloak. "Enter," he commanded as he flicked a hand at the door. Another tall demon opened it, taking only a few steps inside the doorway before bowing and giving his report. "Sir, there is a matter that requires your attention. Masters Eizomur and Elzamir are waiting in the dungeons with a recent intruder. They were quite adamant that you meet with them as soon as you are able, sir. I believe it's another one from the Red Dawn Brigade." Adjusting the cloak back on his shoulders, the young demon king turned to approach the guard. "We shall go immediately, then. Take me to them." Exiting the room, he locked the door behind him and followed down the hall. Unfortunately, he seemed to forget to lock the door of the art studio as well, leaving it ajar as it was when he had first entered the room earlier.