Carver crept through the forest with as much stealth as he was able to muster, which was to say, none at all. Had any goblins been in earshot, they probably could have heard the clanking of his armor from quite a distance away - however, it seemed the sun was smiling on him, and no foes produced themselves. A brief moment later, the knight had another stroke of luck. In another small clearing, Separ and the witch sat in a half-unconscious pile. Carver was immediately gladdened to see Separ well - for a moment, he'd almost despaired for the young man's life. The witch, although, was another matter entirely. Carver had been half of the mind that she was part of the attack in some fashion, but her current condition seemed to belie that. She looked half-dead; pale, sallow, and exhausted. If this was the result of her summoning some magical force to aid in the fight, then perhaps his initial reaction to her had been unfair, whatever she was. "Separ! ... Other lady!" He called out to them as he entered the clearing, in the loudest whisper conceivable. "It's good to see you safe! The others are together, they're nearby. Are you able to walk? I can carry one of you."