Vis turned away from the clearing and walked towards the burning sun, it's light peaking out from between the gaps in the canopy as he ventured out for a stream or a pond of some sort. The further he got from the camp, he felt an indescribable feeling, it was a mixture of relief and heartache. Soon he had stumbled upon a small pond, fed by 3 trickling streams and hidden by the forest canopy, looking around to ensure he wasn't being followed, he began unbuckling his armor. Once the leather plates dropped off his body, he took off his under clothes and tossed them into a pile next to the bank, so he stood naked by the water. Slowly he slipped in, first sitting down then slowly levering himself into the cool pond using his arms but as he got into the pond, he found that from where the land met the water, it was a vertical sloap downwards for about 3 and a half feet. Vis stood in the water for a moment, to get use to the temperature, before submerged himself completely and opened his eyes, casting a green glow in the dusty water. Small fish swam around, eating the green that grew at the bottom, oblivious to Vis or his light. He emerged from the water and returned to the bank, resting his head on his folded arms and letting the rest of his body float. He decided he'd rest before washing his gear.