[u]Real life[/u] [b]Name[/b]: Mareck Deimos [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/48144029/1145629283d8336248l_large.jpg[/img] [b]Birthday[/b]: Jan 27 [b]Personality[/b]: Mareck is a happy-go-lucky guy and is quite friendly, usually trying to help out a friend, but he gets a bit shy around people he hasn't met before and he can be a bit strange at times. [b]Bio[/b]: Mareck was always into computers, technology, and engineering. he came across VRMMO in it's beta stages and signed up to play, he chose to play as an Embermage and by the time the game fully released he was one of the best players, and kept his beta character for the regular game. He still managed to keep good grades in school and got into the IT program and is taking Computer Science classes and an Engineering course. He mostly plays the game for fun now. [u]In Game[/u] [b]Avatar Name[/b]: Grayliks [b]Avatar Title[/b]: "Mythic Reaver" [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f108/lightsamurai777/Sterkenburgedit.jpg~original[/img] [hider=Armor] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/67/640x995_12266_Abbadon_2d_fantasy_creature_warrior_mage_magic_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider][b]Class[/b]: Embermage [b]Signature Moves[/b]: -Blazing Pillar: creates 4 giant pillars of intense flame that seek out and immolate nearby foes -Immolation Aura: creates a vortex of flame that surrounds him -Firestorm: calls down burning cinders from the sky, setting foes alight -Frost Phase: vanish from one location and instantly reappear in another, dealing cold damage in both places in a short range around him -Frost Wave: hurls forth a wave of ice shards, impaling and freezing foes in its path. -Ice Prison: You summon pillars of ice around a target, trapping it within. he, however, can pass through the barrier. Pillars reflect damage back at foes attacking them. -Death's Bounty: binds the lifeforce of all foes within 6 meters of the target. Upon their death, their life and mana are drawn to him or other players through 3 soul bolts. Stated health and mana recovery is per soul bolt. [b]Other skills[/b]: Shockbolts, Magma Spear, Firebombs, Icy Blast, Prismatic Bolt, Shocking Burst, Elemental Boon, Infernal collapse [b]Avatar Bio[/b]: Mareck's Avatar, Grayliks, is a very powerful Embermage, the class is very rarely seen and can use a large amount of magic. he often goes on boss raids by himself, and wins, this has led to his reputation and the name of "Mythic Reaver", there is even a rumor that he beat an Ascended Dragon. The Embermage class was in the beta of the game, but upon the games final release it was no longer attainable leaving those that got it during the beta, such as Mareck, as the only ones with the class.