[h1]Separ[/h1] Separ quickly turned to see Carver and smiled at his presence. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Carver, you're alive. I'm glad to see you."[/color][/b] Separ put the tents back into his backpack and strapped it on to himself. [b][color=ForestGreen]"I think I can walk, but the girl fell down earlier, so maybe you should carry her. I also have some supplies we could use, including a tent and a medkit."[/color][/b] Separ started to walk towards Carver only to stop and stare at the ground. [b][color=ForestGreen]"How..., how many died?"[/color][/b] Separ's voice was shaky as he asked, not because he was tired, but rather because he was scared of what the answer would be. Perhaps Carver and maybe only a few others survived? Did the whole town die? [i]Kelvin, the disfigured man, the little gnome, the girl who had healed him, "Phoenix". Just how many were still alive? Were the others injured just as bad as I am?[/i] Thought Separ as he slowly walked over to Carver. All Separ could do was silently hope for a good outcome.