Character: Nathaniel Cross for Mythical Town RP Status: Unfinsihed [b]Name:[/b] Nathaniel Cross, but prefers to go by Grimm [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Half-human/Half-Reaper, not the Grim-Reaper, just a being that takes on a similar name given that the Grim reaper is who they generally serve. Reapers are very much embodiments of order in the afterlife, and while other beings help people move on, that is their primary directive. The soul of a Reaper manifest in the physical realm as both their cloak and their scythe, the cloak being able to hold a pocket dimmension around the size of a large back pack, and they are able to interact with anything of the spirt world with ease. Other than that, Grimm can take on a more spiritual form that makes him nearly unnoticeable by the living, though the Dead or Undead can find him with ease. [b]Appearance:[/b][img][/img] [b]Job:[/b] He's a cadet, both as a reaper and for the local Police force. He thought that working there would help him get experience for when he takes on his Reaper duties of making sure that the dead don't get too rowdy and stuff. [b]Personality:[/b] Grimm always looks pretty stoic all of the time, as he doesn't really do big displays of emotion. He'll give a small smile or a frown, maybe even a chuckle if you're lucky, but other than that he's a rock. While off duty he spends his time drawing, something he's quite good at, but he has a strange approach to it. He basically finds a public area, waits for someone interesting to come by, then he uses he stalks them, waiting until he deems it ready to start drawing a sketch of people in there natural habitat. He won't follow anyone into a bathroom or anything, but it's something to watch out for, unless [b]Background:[/b] Grim is only half a reaaper because he's only half dead, an abomination by his orders own laws. [/hider]