Furnace listened intensely to the explanation. He couldn't wrap his mind around how the harvesting would be less effective if the materials were held by other beings. The line [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Heroism is for the brave.”[/color][/b] held no meaning to him, but before he could ask Kelvin had fallen asleep. Muttering under his breath he repeated his words. ”If you go back, they will harvest you too.” He though he understood. If he was harvested, he might become too damaged. The voice had warned about that. So it was something he didn't [b]want[/b]? Was it important what he and others wanted? Was he free because he wanted to be? Disturbed from his thoughts when he heard someone struggle with cloth he looked around. He saw a distressed Alula clamber out of the cloth structure they had build around her. Her eyes aimed at the distance, she was going somewhere. Carefully he obstructed her path. ”If you go back, they will harvest you too. Heroism is for the brave.”