Alula looked around the open field again before hobbling her way out of the makeshift tent. Vis and Carver were nowhere to be seen, as well as the hooded girl and the punching man. She glanced over towards Kelvin, who seemed to be falling asleep. Perfect. No one would be there to stop her. She nearly tripped trying to get out of the tent, cursing in a strange language as her bad leg took most of the fall. This wasn't going to work. Staff first. And then leave. She struggled ungracefully towards the middle of the field, where she had dropped her staff. But it was slow moving, and she had forgotten to account for one of their companions. The gnome. She was just about to reach her staff when he suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her path. She growled impatiently, wishing she had her hat to pull over her eyes. Harvesting? What the stars did he mean? A voice calmed her confusion, explaining that the strange gnome was referring to the destruction of the town as harvesting, as well as the fighting and death that occurred there. Must be a gnome thing. She took a stumbling step backwards, hair falling in front of her eyes but not blocking out their slight, weak, glow. She looked up at the setting sun, frowning. "Hero's don't die, not before the story starts." She looked down at the gnome, her voice weak and straining. "Night is...coming...and I don't...want to...hurt anyone..." She shook her head, frustrated that she was having trouble portraying what she wanted to say. "Night is...unpredictable...I have to...go."