The chirp of a nearby grasshopper woke him from his nap, Vis yawned, opening up his maw and stretching the scar on the side of his face. Vis looked up at the sky and the sun's light was al but gone, only a few slivers of purple left, 'not long left till the stars come out.' he thought to himself as he got to work, picking each armored section form the pile and cleaning it. Vis found out that the inside of his armor was as dirty as the outside, it was covered in grime, dust and dirt plastered onto the leather by his sweat. Vis scraped this off with a stone and cleaned off the dried blood that was caked on some the pieces. He would have to get some of the segments repaired, one had a hole from the arrow and another had a long gash in it from where he was sliced by the raider's sword. Once done, and after he caught some of the small catfish that swam at the bottom of the pond, Vis slipped on his under clothes and decided to hold out on the armor as it dried. His under clothes consisted of a white tunic and black trousers, simple enough for it's simple purpose, to stop chafing. Vis strolled through the forest back to the camp, a bunch of fish impaled on a stick in his hand. Up in the tree, Khat was having a nightmare, her nose was filled with the pungent oder of blood and outside of her dark crate she heard laughter. The crate opened, but instead of finding the bewildered Blue-Green eyes of Vis, she looked into the malicious grin of a raider, he reached for her throat and she screamed. Khat sat bolt upright, waking with a whimper that she quickly stifled, during her sleep she had soaked herself in a cold sweat and her pale face was even paler. She undid her head wrap and her cascading hair fell from it, matted with sweat, she climbed down. "I need a drink." she mumbled as she passed the gnome and the floaty lady, more to herself then to them.