[color=0072bc]Characters: Simon, Oerba, Mulivon[/color]

Simon trotted out from the kitchen, a calm expression on his face. Oerba, the surprisingly intimidating naga. Earlier than she normally was, she must be trying to stay warm on the chilly morning.

[color=00a651]"Officer Oerba, what a surprise, you snuck into my cafe without my noticing. Again."[/color]

Truth be told, the hybrid was hardly affected by this game anymore. He mostly reacted for her benefit, having easily seen her enter the small cafe. At this point, he was eternally on guard for her, having been scared multiple times and embarrassing himself with some rather undignified screams at the time *and almost burning himself severely with hot drinks*. Since then, he had become a master of noticing her entrances and simply acting surprised, simply from a matter of survival. It was far easier than risking her stepping up her game and actively putting effort into such theatrics. His heart would probably explode. The vision of her pouncing from the roof onto him was not one he ever wished to come true. Plus bringing attention to her caused Albert to get rather panicked. With a friendly smile, he folded his arms, giving the naga a lazy quirk of his brow.

[color=00a651]"And you yet again caused my employee to have a mild panic attack. You know the poor boy thinks you're going to devour him whole, right? Though I suppose I should be thankful that it wasn't me who was startled this morning."[/color]

For all her pride and power as a police officer, Simon knew better than to worry about her abusing her position or trying to intimidate him. She was a good cop, one of the few both humans and monsters could rely on. For that, Simon respected her. He doubted she was half as mean or threatening as she came off as, most of it was probably just the sheer amount of confidence she had in her abilities. Albert's severe phobia of snakes didn't help matters, but it wasn't her fault after all. A slight clattering noise came from behind Simon as Albert stepped out, carrying a cup of coffee shakily. The hybrid immediately went over and took it from his hands to prevent a messy, potentially burning situation.

[color=00a651]"Thanks, could you double check the scones, I don't want them to burn."[/color]

The boy practically shot behind the counter, clearly not enjoying the snake lady's presence. As Simon set the cup in front of her, his trademark breezy smile never leaving his face, he finally noticed Mulivon. How he had NOT noticed the young girl was beyond him, as she was dressed in very elaborate clothing, even by Diehlstadt's outlandish standards. She seemed rather fixated on Oerba.

[color=00a651]"Oh, hello. Sorry, I didn't see you there. Hmm...I don't recognize you."[/color]

The hybrid folded an arm behind his back, giving a cheerful smile as he spoke.

[color=00a651]"I'm Simon, welcome to the Corner Garden Cafe. Can I get you anything?"[/color]