[hider=Ginny White][center][img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/93868247/large.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ginny White [b]Alias:[/b] Broker [b]Age:[/b] 27[/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Ginny is on the shorter side. She only stands at five foot three. She has short, dyed, blonde hair. Her natural color is a darker brown. She has blue-green eyes and a fair complexion. Ginny is skinny and rather flat and without curves, however she knows how to dress to highlight what little assets she has. [b]Personality:[/b] Ginny has two personas. One is her work and the other is with friends. She likes to keep her life separate. While at work, Ginny (known as Broker) is a cold person. Some people have gone as far to call her frigid. She prefers to be described as detached. She doesn't want, nor cares, to like the people she works with. She just thinks of them a tools or means to an end. She is a very hard working woman who likes to be through. She rarely delegates anything to anyone and trusts no one but herself. When Ginny is with friends she is practically a different person. She is very open and warm. Though she is an almost compulsive liar. She likes to laugh and tell jokes. She is also a very tactile person. Chances are she'll want to hold your hand. Ginny also tends to spend a lot of money on clothes and accessories. She'll also donate a bit to whatever charity strikes her fancy. All of her friends view Ginny as a very loyal, abet busy person. [b]Powers:[/b] Psychometry (ESP) [indent]Whenever Ginny touches and person or object she can get a "reading" off of it. For example, if Ginny touches a door knob and concentrates, she can see the last couple of people who also touched the door knob and know when they did so. However not all readings are clear. The older the object is, the easier it is to get a reading. If there was a traumatic event attached to the object, the easier it would be to see it. The newer the object is, the harder. People are extremely hard and most readings are nonsensical. Ginny cannot get readings off charred objects (if nothing has touched it after the burning) or liquids or gases.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Computers[list][*]Ginny can hack almost all computers, but not from a distance. She uses her ESP to "see" the passwords from the keyboard.[*]Ginny does have some natural computer skills, but not hacking related.[/list] [*]Eidetic Memory[list][*]Once Ginny has seen/read/smelled/heard/tasted something once, she'll never forget it.[*]However it's not all active recall. She can "forget" things if she doesn't consciously think about everything pertaining to the subject/issue.[/list] [*]Compartmentalization.[list][*]Ginny organizes her memories like filing cabinets, which eases recall.[/list][*]Seduction. [*]Manipulation.[/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*]Friends[list][*]There's a reason why she keeps her lives separate. She never wants to figure out which life she would have to choose.[/list][*]Only Human[list][*]Ginny, despite her mental prowess is only human. She doesn't have super strength, speed, healing, endurance, etc.[*]Her main skill is dependent upon her being able to recall everything necessary to pull off heists and blackmail.[/list][*]No Physical Skills[list][*]Ginny has hired muscle to do what she cannot.[*]She knows some self-defense, but that's what her pays her bodyguards for.[/list][/list] [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Ginny was born to poor parents. They wasted whatever money they gained on booze and drugs. Needless to say home life was no life for little Ginny. She spent a lot of time at school, either in the library or on the playground. She rarely went home unless she had to. Because of her peculiar gifts she excelled in school. She graduated High School by the age 14 and went to college. She gained her emaciation the very next year when she was fifteen. Since she had a free ride to Yale she focused on riding herself of her past and elevating herself. She went to work for a pharmaceutical corporation, Axell Corp., and started earning more money. But it wasn't enough for Ginny. Through her connections she began to discover the world of blackmail. The added income was very much needed and appreciated. By the time she was seventeen, Broker, was a force in the underground. If you wanted information Broker would get it to you at a price. Ginny didn't care who she sold information to, as long as they paid. By the time she was in her twenties she had set herself up an empire in the underworld. In her alternate life she was now a shareholder in Axell Corp. Her quick and deft mind kept her above scrutiny and climbing the corporate latter. Though disaster struck in when she was twenty six. A former DA, whom she had blackmailed, gathered enough information on her to toss her into jail for embezzlement. Ironically, the charges were false, yet the DA had enough pull to still get her thrown into jail. Ginny, now twenty-seven, still runs her information empire from jail and plots her revenge.[/hider] I guess this is up for judgement. *[i]dundundun[/i]*