[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2b/72/9f/2b729f9bb8b82af4a31d914b4050b9fe.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] - April [b]Alias[/b] - Nightmare [b]Age[/b] - 23 [/center] [b]Personality[/b] - April can be creepy at times. She is mentally unstable and short-tempered, which is a really bad duo for those who anger her. She can be super clingy with her friends and is obsessed with those she loves, which is why the multiple boyfriends she has had over the years have dumped her. These unsuccessful relationships is what has led to her being crazy. Despite her being edgy and dangerously insane, she can be bubbly and nice, as if she isn't a cold-blooded psycho. [b]Powers[/b] - Sleep inducement and dream manipulation. The victim doesn't have to be asleep for April to make them see their worst fears. [b]Skills[/b] - April is an excellent knife thrower. She picked She's also a decent fighter, as she knows several wrestling grapples and ties from having a brother who taught her a few things about the sport. Also, despite her being borderline insane, she's a pretty good strategist and can be smart when put to the test. [b]Weaknesses[/b] - April is deathly afraid of the sea. Its mysteriousness and creatures of the deep scare her to death. Being in the middle of the ocean with sharks around her, struggling to keep afloat because she can barely swim and knows she's about to become dinner for the Great Whites around her is a recurring nightmare she has when she sleeps. She fears little else, however, which is why she gets such enjoyment from making others see their own fears. [b]Appearance[/b] - [hider=April appearance] [img]http://www.prowrestling.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ajlee.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/30/6a/08/306a085650a04609bf962580f1f26030.jpg[/img] [/hider] April wears a jet-black crop top and jean shorts, or that's at least when she's not in the required orange jumpsuit that inmates wear at Coast City Super Powered Prison. She's barely 5'2 and is petite, so she doesn't come off as intimidating at all. [b]Brief Bio[/b] - April was raised by a poor family and never knew luxury most of her life. Her mother was a thief and April learned and inherited her mom's greed and urge to steal. Her family broke up after her parents were arrested in their bold attempt of a burglary, so she was separated from her brother, they were divided among foster homes. April swore she would never know poverty again, so she started stealing professionally at the age of 17. With an impressive wealth, she tried to slow down too early with selfish boyfriends that only used her and broke her heart. They took her money with them. After so many disappointments and put-downs from people she thought loved her, she was pushed over the edge. She went crazy, and she didn't care about jail anymore. She went on a streak of arrests trying to steal from expensive places around the age of 20. Through her numerous stints at prison, she trained herself into throwing sharp objects at her personal cell wall since she had little else to do. She became very good at it, and when she managed to escape the prison and get a new identity she trained professionally with knife-throwing experts until she was amazing at the trade. April loved the idea of a knife, it could make someone's death slow and painful — but it could also be quick and decisive. April continues to commit theft — usually unsuccessfully — at age 23.