[b]BackStory[/b] The Empire of Sentrial is a landlocked nation with its back against a large impassable mountain range to the north and not very friendly neighbors on all other borders. Sentrial's land was envied by the other nations for its many natural resources and on more then one occasion had to fend off an invading force. Now Sentrial for all its wealth and resources did not have a large standing army and instead relied upon an order of powerful magical knights to defend the land from any that would cause it harm. These knights were driven by either a sense of national pride of defending the country or by the amount of power that was awarded to them by joining the Order. Sentrial is not a perfect land thought as it is ruled by an iron fist monarchy who has remained in power for the several century by rewarding those who display magical power and lowering the worth of those who do not have any magic. There is also the division of the different races with the humans reining over all as they control the monarchy and viewing the races as inferior. Naturally this caused unrest with the non-magical population, but there was not much that could be done with the threat of the Order coming down on them if they ever stepped out of line. Within the Order was a small group of strong Knights that did not agree with the way the country was being run and vowed that they would change it by force even if it cost them their lives. This group of Knights named themselves the Revival and soon went to used their influence from the Order to gain an audience with the King to discuss the problems of the peasants and if things did not change the impending revolt that would in sue. Everyone could predict that the King would not be please with what was told to him but they did not predict that the King branded the group as traitors to Sentrial and issued an a command to the Order to put them down. Thus began a long and harsh year of fighting between Revival and the Order with lives lost on both sides until finally Revival was overpowered and were forced to put down their weapons. Before the final blow could be struck, the leader of Revival sacrificed himself so that the rest of the knights could escape and go into hiding. It is now seven years later and a call to arms has been sent out to all surviving members of Revival. It calls for them to meet up within an abandoned Knight's outpost located on the Northern outskirts of Sentrial. [b]Plot[/b] You are a member of Revival and have received a letter telling you to meet at a abandoned outpost along the northern border. In order to fight against the Empire of Sentrial, you must travel the four corners of the land to retrieve your weapon from heavily guarded fortresses and magically sealed caverns. [b]Order of Knights[/b] The Order of Knights has defended the peace of Sentrial for centuries with entire family lines being devoted to the Knighthood. Each knight is able to use magic without their weapon but not to the extent that would be allowed to them if using their weapon. The weapons that the knights wield vary greatly from each other with all serving the purpose of amplifying and focusing the magic of the knight to be more effective. [b]Knight Ranks[/b] Knight Supreme Knight Commander Knight Guardian Knight Squire [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Skills: Type of Magic: Weapon: (What weapon did you lose in the final battle with the Order) Personality: Flaws: Background: Other: