[i][b]Name[/b][/i] Fenros Dragonbourne (The Dragon of Death) Ex Knight Commander [i][b]Age[/b][/i] 30 [i][b]Gender[/b][/i] Male [i][b]Race[/b][/i] Human [i][b]Appearance[/b][/i] He stands at 5'10 at about 300 lbs, trained since a child to be a warrior his body is covered in scars from countless battles. His presence alone is intimitating, not including his eyes that seem to almost have a wildness to them. He is the the poster child of The Order of Knights. [hider=Appearance][img]http://reviewsfromtheabyss.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/berserk.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/199/6/1/guts_by_watashiwa_crazygirl.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/118/e/0/guts_by_cene801-d4xvmvd.png[/img] [/hider] [i][b]Traits[/b][/i] [i][b]Skills:[/b][/i] -in-human Strength/Endurance- Hectors family is known for their inhuman strength , quite nessisary to use the family blade. But he is strong enough to lift boulders with ease. -Dragon Fire Magic- This magic is passed down for generations, given to his ancestor from a dragon. The ability to control fire to his will, including not being harmed by it, to even able breathing/sucking in fire. Trained since 6 to wield this magic and cannot be taught outside of the family because no one else can survive the training due to a spell that help prep their bodies that is passed down genetically. Also it takes years to master it with out the aid of the Sword. Only those who are roughly 50 and older can retain the power they achieved with the sword. Fenros is no different, though he is ahead of his time. [i][b]flaws:[/b][/i] He rarely follows the orders of those above him in battle. Often doing his own thing, often getting caught up in the moment. Not so much he doesn't care about those around him, as he does look to keep his men alive. But he can get carried away sometimes. Often charging armies alone for the thrill of the battle. With out his families sword, it takes a lot more out of him to use the Dragon fire magic. If he is not careful he can kill himself by over using it. Where he is stil immune to it, he cannot create it as well as he did with his sword in hand. He can bend already made fire to his will though. [i][b]Personality: [/b][/i]Hector is a man of Honor, he only gives respect to men or women who have a sense of honor as well. He holds himself to the Knights creed long before the current order of Knights came to be. He will defend the weak, and help those in need. Despite his appearance of a brute, he is a caring man. And will defend his friends to the death. He does not agree with the Empire of Sentrail that discriminate against people who can't use magic, because of this belief he has ruffled many feathers but mostly had gotten away with it because of his asset to the Order. [i] [b]Background[/b][/i] Fenros was born to the Dragonbourne family, one of the oldest noble families in the Sentrial. As soon as he was able to, he was trained in the arts of war. Due to the power ancient magic placed upon his ancestor, all the children born from that one descendant have in-human strength and invulnerability to fire, as thus, their children are trained earlier than others, and harder than most. This has made almost every Dragonbourne in the Order of Knight's great in their own name. Fenros was no different. At the age of 16, he Graduated the Academy and became a knight, in two short years and after a battle with another empire protecting a strategic Fortress was where he made the name for himself. Against overwhelming odds and almost at the point being forced to retreat, Fenros held the final bridge by himself, as he waited for reinforcements. By the time they arrived he managed to push them back enough to the fortress walls. He pushed himself to his limit and was barely standing at the end. If the Reinforcements were just a few minutes later he would have died. Because of this he was raised to the rank of Knight Commander at Age 18, the one of the youngest Knight Commanders at the time. During the final battle he received many wounds, including losing his right eye. But even worse than that he was stabbed in the stomach and knocked over a cliff. Presumed dead he wasn't searched for. But he survived with the help of a woman named Selena. After he regained strength, he decided to live as a Mercenary. [i][b]Weapon[/b][/i] His Massive family sword, the Dragon's Talon. (Pictured above) Twice as thick and dense as normal swords, and as tall as Hector this weapon was forged under a dragons flame and in its blood and can easily cut through non enchanted swords and armor like paper. It enhances the Fire Dragon Magic by lowering the strain on the user because of the Dragons blood infused with it. This Legendary weapon is the one of few Dragon forged weapon known to the world. [i][b]Misc[/b][/i] He has taken on the name Dragon of Death due to his feats in defeating entire bands of bandits single handedly