Name: Varrik Frost Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Base Image][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Height: 1.78 meters Weight: 146 pounds Eye color: Red Hair Color: Grey Skin Tone: Pale Dress: Varrik wears thick animal skin pants and jacket with a layer of bear fur on the inside to keep him warm at all times. His pants and jacket are a dyed grey color with his wool shirt being a light green color mimicking the color of pine trees. Over this attire is a large black hooded cloak that buttons up in the front and covers from his knees to a high necked collar so that when the hood is pulled over his head only his eyes are revealed. Markings: Engraved into both palms with magic is the rune for [url=]ice[/url] Skills: -Powerful mage -Stratigist Type of Magic: -Ice Destruction: Varrik is able to freeze the moister in the air to freeze large areas of land as well as create ice shards and other objects out of the ice. He is able to control the movement of these ice creations from a distance and when at full power with the focus of his weapon. -Weaponless: He is only able to control ice within a six foot radius and can not manipulate the ice into constructs unless they are simple. Examples: Shield or ice shards Weapon: Five foot tall blue steel staff with a round end housing a Frost Giant's eye. Personality: Varrik is a friendly person who tries to be nice to everyone that he meets, but this nice side of his is just a front for his true self who has not trusted anyone since he went into hiding from the Order. He knows the only people he can trust in the world are the remaining members of Revival who he counts as his only friends left in the world. Flaws: -Drinking Problem -Lack of Hand to Hand combat Background: Other: