Name: Angelo Calithildir battlefield nickname: lightning mirror ranking:ex guardian class Age:90? (not sure about the age limit here but he will look 20) Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] While he stands at 6ft tall which is pretty normal for an elf he has silver hair and slightly pale skin. The only thing abnormal about him may be considered his white eyes that sparkle like moonlight hence the reason for his surname Calithildir which means moon light. [hider=Skills] master of hand to hand combat, very stealthy thanks to the use of his illusionary magic if their is a place that needs to be taken down from the inside out then that's where Angelo comes in, Very fast known on the battlefield as the "lightning mirror" thanks to his illusionary magic and his speed it seems like he moves from enemy to enemy in an instant. [/hider] Type of Magic: Illusions Weapon:[img][/img] [hider=Personality] a loyal fighter till the bitter end despite how bad he felt for leaving he understood what his leader really want and gave him his last wish but made sure to return to the battlefield that he left him on to give him a proper burial. Angelo is a hard worker and a perfectionist up to a fault. Angelo never gives up and the only time he ever did was when it was a last request from his leader. Angelo makes sure to always respect the dead no matter who they were or where they were from cause he knew that death came for everyone and it was in death that everyone was the same. [/hider] [hider=Flaws] Anger management issues and as a result isn't that hard to piss off, a perfectionist and as a result if he feels something isn't right he will do it over again until he does which can be mistaken for OCD but is really just his personal preference to try again till its right. He gives a natural intimidating aura and as a result is hard for him to make friends that actually see past his look of intimidation. He also hates necromancers for they disturb the dead in their peaceful sleep for their own selfish ends [/hider] [hider=Background] Angelo was a normal elf living a normal life, His family despite being elves lived in the human kingdom as tavern owners for a good few years before Angelo realized he had a talent for illusionary magic and as such Angelo was taught and started learning sorcery at a very young age of 20 Angelo was unable to perform the simplest of destruction spells and the like but had a knack for illusionary spells that confused the senses. At the year of 40 he learned how to perform a few extra spells of illusion but that was also the year he fell in love with an half elven girl who was known as Maria Faerdhinen Which meant silent spirit as she was born from the elven seer and a woman who owned an orphanage they soon started to play and go out as any normal teenagers would but their happiness would be short lived when the coming winter came. As Angelo and Maria started to come of age they started to see each other differently and as one would expect friendship soon turned into love but that loved was short lived when one day Angelo and Maria went out they were both attacked by bandits and unfortunately Maria was killed despite Angelo best efforts he couldn't keep her safe and he nearly died himself if it wasn't for a knight of the order who came and saved him and after the funeral Angelo quickly joined the knights in hopes of making sure nobody looses someone important to them again like he did. Angelo was soon promoted to the elite guard and joined in talking to the king about the situations that were happening and how the people were suffering especially those of his kin as a new slur came and everyone was calling elves who lived in the cities "knife ears" which Angelo quickly hated and he joined in making sure that nobody would ever suffer and that all would be protected no matter what... [/hider] Other: Maria gave Angelo a necklace before she died [img][/img] and he has never taken it off. he will go mad without it