[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/KaylaWhite_zpsjduyvcf5.png[/img][/center] [center][h1][u]Kayla White[/u][/h1][/center] [center][i]The White Wind[/i][/center] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 28 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Cat Human (Cursed) [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Kayla is of average height, standing at roughly five foot and two inches, weighing only around hundred and four pounds. Her frame is both somewhat petite and toned, giving off the definition of muscles and a smaller bust size. Though that is certainly not what makes her stand out among her peers. Her skin is an almost milky color and with the few scars being practically invisible, it defines a near picture perfect view of healthy and vibrant skin. Her eyes sparkle behind the blue-silver color, making them almost seem like a perfect reflection of a frozen lake, and her body seems to be built for acute grace in it's form. Of course the most notable part of her appearance is her snow white hair that sprout out to form cat-like ears, with her wildly playful tail matching in the same color. Though Kayla is likely seen more as cute, her beauty is hard to pass over as well. [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] • Master hand-to-hand combatant: Having trained all her life in the arts of various styles, she's even been able to form her own unique techniques. She has not lost even a little of her edge in past seven years. • High Reflexes: Due to both her cat-nature and intensive training, Kayla's reflexes have reached a point where dodging a fireball without a singe is routine for her. • Expert Acrobatic: Though combined with some strength training, Kayla can do most, if not all, acrobatics. This includes many fancy battle movements meant to escape without getting hit. Her (un)natural cat-nature compliments this. • Iron Will: Deceptively, Kayla has a very strong will and resolve. This can assist both in resisting magics and simply keeping her focused on the task at hand. [u][b]Type of Magic[/b][/u] • [i]Curse:[/i] Kayla is cursed in a very strange light and while some are noticeable advantages such as heightened senses, reflexes, and agility, it does give her a social disadvantage in particular because of her mutations. Beyond this, it's unknown how much else the curse affects her. • [i]Whispering Wind Magic:[/i] A very rare subform of wind magic, this type ends up actually augmenting the user and is less focused on direct attacks and more so on passive abilities. Usually this manifests by enhancing speed, reflexes, and agility as well as leg strength. Kayla is an expert in this type of rare magic. However without the needed weapon, the augmentations are mild. She's still a very hard opponent to hit despite this, but not nearly on the same level as she would be with her given weapon. [u][b]Weapon[/b][/u] An ice blue fingerless glove that went over her right hand. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Kayla is a tad more playful than other fighters or warriors, however she can easily be serious when the situation calls for it. She is a kind and friendly, but rather cautious about people getting closer to her - or rather cautious as to believe they really do care, though she will give anyone a chance. She can be picky about her loyalty, but once given, it must be broken with a heinous act of harm or betrayal of some kind. Otherwise, as social as she is, she is still an introvert so it can take some time to get to know her. [i]Personality with the Others[/i] With the other heroes, she can be a bit more open because they understand her situation. However she still feels like a bit of an outcast because she is non-human now and also happens to be one of the younger knights - though this feeling may just be an illusion of her own doing. Still, she has fierce loyalty to group and isn't likely to turn down the chance to help any of them (within good moral standards). [u][i]Flaws[/i][/u] • [i]No Weaponry:[/i] Though she has potential, none of her training has included weaponry. So if her fists are not enough, she might be in trouble. • [i]No Armor:[/i] Kayla doesn't wear armor and if she does, her skills would suffer a huge penalty because her freedom of movement would be severely reduced. • [i]Curse:[/i] Though there isn't any [i]apparent[/i] disadvantages beyond social situations, there is no telling how the curse might affect her in the future. [u][b]Background[/b][/u] As cliche as it could get, Kayla grew up as an orphan within the city walls. To this day she still doesn't know if her parents had been killed or if they had given her up and even though she's moved passed it - the thought can be lonely sometimes. Instead of falling in line with the other orphans as trouble makers however, she found herself oddly drawn to one of the barracks where they would train in hand-to-hand combat. It was strange indeed for she was small and quiet and may have made a better thief than warrior. One day though, a teenager had caught the nine year old watching them train through the window and approached, forcing Kayla to shy away. The girl seemed unphased by Kayla's actions and introduced herself as Desini and gently guided the young shy thing to the barracks. From then on, Kayla came to the barracks every day and after a couple months, the instructor there even agreed to start teaching Kayla some of the art. Fast forward seven years (Kayla, age 16) and both Desini and Kayla were quickly becoming journeymen in the arts of hand-to-hand combat. They were the best of friends and though they had hardly been apart, Kayla not dare tell her friend that she actually fancied her - afraid it might ruin the friendship they had so tightly woven together. However it wasn't long before the Magical Knight Academy picked Desini up for her intensely strong earth magics and before Kayla could really grasp what was going, it was like one day her best friend was there and then the next ... it felt as if the barracks were completely void of life. It wouldn't be until six months later that Kayla herself would experience a sudden outburst of magic and it wasn't hard to spot for the instructor - it had been wind magic, but of the rare kind, often referred to whispering wind for the most famous user of this magic was so fast that they were like a whisper in the wind. This quickly ascended her into the academy after and it wasn't long before the two best friends found each other. Together, the two burned to heights in the academy that it was easy to see their true potential and within only five years (Kayla, age 21), the two had worked their way tirelessly to the top officially earning their titles as Knight Commanders. Kayla had been one of the youngest to join, while Desini was roughly five years older than her friend, and they enjoy the responsibility and freedom as commanders. Luck would have it, during this time that they encountered an evil magic user on the outskirts of the kingdom that had been cursing many of the local populace and while the royal family didn't care so much for commoners without magic, they didn't like to be challenged either. However the fight went horribly wrong. In the witch's last moments as she fell towards the ground, she muttered a curse towards Desini and just as it fired off, Kayla caught the act and lunged in front of her friend - however strangely enough, so did the witch's familiar cat (one would guess to stop Kayla) and the curse formed around both them. The screams of pain filled the air and made Desini's eyes widen in horror as she watched what happened. There wasn't much said after Kayla had been treated and given rest, for she wasn't human anymore - sporting cat ears, a tail, and snow white hair. However Desini broke the silence by saying her new appearance was the cutest thing she had ever seen. The response had surprised Kayla so much that she said an even crazier thing to her friend - that she had been attracted all this time. The weeks after were awkward for all of them, for the other knights, the tension between the two, and especially for Kayla herself. However, those of of more awareness started to notice that Desini was visiting Kayla more and so day after day, Kayla would seem happier and happier. It became obvious to the members that would later make up the Revival - Desini and Kayla were gentle souls and neither cared for the appearances of someone and so when called to action by the others, they accepted. However in that last battle, one could only imagine how much pain and sorrow Kayla felt as Desini risked her life to save the cat woman. There was little time to mourn or question her emotions as her friend was the second to last to die during that rebellion and since then, everyone had been disbanded and spread across the lands. There's no telling how Kayla feels about Desini... or about herself anymore. [u][b]Fun Facts[/b][/u] • She always had a cat-like personality, so loves to curls into the laps of loved ones. • Her curse damaged her ovaries, so she doesn't have periods or experience heat. • She loves tuna, maybe a bit more than she should. • Kayla actually has the ability to purr.