[hider=Part 1] Eliza watched as he laid back and then grimaced about what else she had to say before doing something with his tail. [color=ed145b]"Okay, I probably could have come up with a better way to say that..."[/color] Eliza admitted as she got up. "I didn't mean to make it sound like you aren't trying or something like that...its just that I'm concerned. You're a good guy Ian, I think you really are and..." She sighed and went over to him, leaning over him so her face was blocking the clouds. [color=ed145b]"I've been looking for a roommate for awhile now. My apartment is small, but it's nice and the rent would be affordable. I can understand it might be awkward with me being your boss and all, but I'm only four years older than you, so if working for me in general wasn't awkward, I'm sure this won't be too much worse. If you still don't want to, I'm not making you, but the offer will be here until either you or someone else takes me up on it."[/color] Ian's tail froze as he heard Eliza's offer, his eyes hidden underneath his hair for a moment. A breath was taken, then another before he replied, still hiding his eyes from her as he did so. [color=aba000]"Well . . . if you insist, then I guess I would be kinda dumb to refuse, right?"[/color] His voice was trembling a little as he got up, trying to subtly wipe his eyes before turning to with a devilish grin on his face, his eyes a bright red and his tail whipping around him excitedly. [color=aba000]"So then, show me your digs and then, ya know, we can lay down the ground rules for me to follow. Nad before you ask, I'm totally up to relieve you of any and all stress you may have from the job. I may not look it, but I can give a mean massage, something I learned after time in Asia for a bit, before I had to hi-tail it because I had an incident with the daughter of a Triad boss, or was it the daughters of all the Triad bosses in he area. Yep, definitely the last one, so if we ever go global, I suggest you never send me anywhere near Asia, got it." [/color] Ian hoped to distract Eliza from his earlier display of emotion with one of his wild, yet very,very true, stories of adventure. hat had been when he was around 15, if he recalled it right and it had been one of the best nights of his lie, followed by one of the worst weeks of his life. He still flinched when ever he heard even a lick of Chinese, almost convinced it was an assassin out for his blood. Eliza was about to ask what was wrong, since it was taking him a bit to reply, but then he suddenly started talking again. She rolled her eyes again when he started talking about rules and massages. [color=ed145b]"I'll explain on the way, and forgive me if I never take you up on that offer as I can't quite be sure your hands won't wonder down to where they shouldn't be."[/color] She told him with a somewhat playful smirk to show she was just joking around. [color=ed145b]"So Russia, Asia, any other continent I should be sure to mark as "Don't send Ian here"? Before I start my global delivery business?"[/color] She asked him with a laugh as she went over to the edge. [color=ed145b]"Or no, surprise me later. I want to see if I can take a guess at a few places. Anyways I'll meet you down there."[/color] She smiled before stepping off the edge and gliding down to the ground. After landing and waiting for Ian to follow her, she got out her phone and sent a quick text message to her landlord telling him that she might have found a roommate. She hesitated in telling him who it was. [color=aba000]"Aye-aye, captain,"[/color] Ian said with a wave as Eliza flew away. He then began to climbed down the side into the alleyway, smiling all the way as he did so. He couldn't believe his luck, Eliza was officially the best boss he had ever had, probably the best in the history of ever. As he approached the ground, he jumped off, landing with a dancers grace before he coiled his tail around his waist, so it lay hidden from view. He didn't like letting people see his tail unless he trusted them ,like he was starting to with Eliza after working for her these last few months, mainly because it was one of his major weak spots. Grab hold of it, and you had poor Ian in the palm of your hand, the thing was way too sensitive for Ian's liking, but it as still much too useful for him to consider getting rid of it. Their was also the sentimental value he placed on it with his tail-tracing exercise, but mostly it was just too damn handy. Ian rounded the corner and walked up to Eliza, who seemed to be texting someone. Ian had a phone too. it had been a gift rom one of his paramours, a simple flip phone but it seemed to have unlimited minutes and messaging. he never heard back from her though, which he always found to be strange and wondered about, like now for instance. [color=aba000]"Ready to go when ever you are boss. And for the record, I'd never massage you anywhere you didn't want me to."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Okay, I let my landlord that you were coming. You have a bit of a reputation and he's the gentlemanly sort, so please try to make a good impression, okay?"[/color] Eliza asked as she started to lead him to her apartment. Eliza rarely walked back home. She either flew or rode her bike, and she had never walked back there with someone in tow before, well, not in this town at least. Which made a question come to mind... [color=ed145b]"So...now that you have a place to stay, how often are you going to bring company over?"[/color] [/hider] [hider=Part 2] [color=aba000]"I'll be on my best behavior for the guy so don't worry,"[/color] Ian waved off her worries with a gesture, then set about having a pondering face as he considered her question. [color=aba000]"I can't say, as it generally varies from night to night, plus there are the factors of me either going to there place, or finding myself passed out in the middle of the wood without a lick of clothing on me. But if I had go give an average, I'd say around 3 times a week. If you want, I could call ahead if I'm sure we're going to my place. Hope your landlord doesn't mind it too much."[/color] Suddenly, a hissing sound could be heard from above, and before anyone could react, Ian found himself being attacked by the blanket he'd been in earlier. What followed next was a brief tussel as the blanket seemed to claw and bite at his face before he managed to pull it off.The blanket fell away to reveal a ferret-like creature with blood red eyes, coal black fur, and two tiny horns sticking out of it's head. It gave Ian another screeching hiss before it wriggled out of his grip and climbed up Eliza, settling itself over her shoulders where it gazed down at Ian with distain. Ian returned the creature rudeness by flipping it the bird. [color=aba000]"Good morning Leroy, glad to see you're still as big a dick as ever, filthy, goddamned, disease-carrying mongrel."[/color] The comment earned him another hiss from Leroy, some spit actually landing on Ian's face. Ian got off the ground, blanket in hand as he pointed a finger at the little beast. [color=aba000]"One of these days, you filthy little furball, one of these days!"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Please do call. 15 minutes before you get there at the least."[/color] Eliza told him, already thinking about what she would do when he did bring someone over. "I don't think Mr. Fisher would mind so much as long as you don't hit on the ladies that live in our apartment building." Eliza told him after another moment of thought. [color=ed145b]"Mr. Fisher doesn't like it when men make um...advances on ladies that go past inviting them over for lunch."[/color] As soon as Eliza said that, the blanket Ian had been sleeping in suddenly fell from the sky, hissing, and started to attack Ian. Eliza was too dumbfounded to do anything until Ian managed to grab what was inside the blanket to get it to stop. Eliza saw that Ian was holding some sort of demon ferret. [color=ed145b]"Is that-eek!"[/color] Eliza squealed when the ferret managed to wiggle out of Ian's grip and immediately started to crawl up onto Eliza. Before she could start flailing about though, it settled on her shoulders all nicely, like it liked her and wasn't going to claw at her like it did with Ian. It hissed again at Ian's remarks, but seemed to have no intention on hurting her. [color=ed145b]"Uh....Leroy?"[/color] Eliza asked, confused. People didn't generally name unwanted animals...[color=ed145b]"Is he your pet?"[/color] She asked as she brought her hand up and started to pet Leroy's head. [color=aba000]"Pet would be stretching it, I picked up the little fucker early on in my adventures and haven't had the heart to get rid of him. He has proven useful in getting me out of a jam once or twice, but I wish he'd get his attitude fixed."[/color] Another hiss was sent his way. [color=aba000]"Shut the fuck up Leroy, you're already on thin ice for sneaking fuckin' roaches into my sleeping sack,you furry shit."[/color] Leroy turned his nose up at his owner, letting out a softer screeching sound to signify that he was enjoying having Eliza scratch him. Ian rolled his eyes at the little beast's behavior, continuing the walk with the patchwork blanket being drapped across his shoulders. [color=aba000]"Anyway, back to the landlord, I'll do my best not to get too friendly with the fine women that share the complex with us."[/color] [color=aba000][i]When the oldman is around that is.[/i][/color] [color=aba000]"Also, don't let Leroy's cute act fool you, he eats an entire deer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's 3 a day, and I've no idea where it all goes, only that it isn't a pretty thing to watch."[/color] Leroy took this opprotunity to rub against Eliza's neck playfully, as if to say, [color=ed1c24]'Don't listen to him, he knows nothing'[/color]. [color=ed145b]"I think he's pretty cute."[/color] Eliza smiled as she continued to scratch under Leroy's chin and he rubbed his head against her cheek. [color=ed145b]"Maybe he'll calm down some more with a roof over his head to, since the apartment allows pets. Anyways,"[/color] She said as she came up to the apartment building, [color=ed145b]"We're here!"[/color] She took Ian's hand and quickly lead him over to Mr. Fisher's office where she knocked on his door. [color=0076a3]"Yes, yes, I'm coming."[/color] A voice came from inside and a gentlemanly looking old man opened the door. and smiled at Eliza. [color=0076a3]"Ah, Ms. Bride! You're here to show me your hopeful for a roommate correct?"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Yes sir!"[/color] Eliza said before stepping to the side to show Ian. [color=ed145b]"This is Ian Carver and he's the one-"[/color] Eliza started to say but was quickly pulled inside the office by Mr. Fisher before he closed the door. [color=0076a3]"Forgive me for that my dear but you have almost given me a heart attack. You have some unusual ideas for practical jokes."[/color] He told her, taking a deep breath. [color=ed145b]"I'm being quite serious sir...."[/color] [color=0076a3]"...Then please allow me to ask you some questions freely."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Go on..."[/color] [color=0076a3]"Are you well my dear? Are you having an affair with that ruffian!?"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Mr. Fisher! I'm trying to help my employee out! If he doesn't get to stay here, he'll be going back to a roof!"[/color] Mr. Fisher rubbed his temple. [color=0076a3]"He has a reputation Ms. Eliza. Creating ruckus', womanizing..."[/color] [color=ed145b]"You have my word he won't do any of that here"[/color] Eliza told him, raising her hand in a swear, but then faltered, [color=ed145b]"...to a large scale at least."[/color] [color=0076a3]"...Do you really trust him that much?"[/color] Mr. Fisher asked after a minute of silence and a sigh. [color=ed145b]"If I didn't trust him enough to live with me, I wouldn't let him handle other people's stuff!"[/color] Mr. Fisher let out another sigh and slowly reached over and grabbed the other key to her room. [color=0076a3]"I'm trusting you and him Eliza. I hope you two don't let me down."[/color] [color=ed145b]"You won't regret it sir!"[/color] Eliza told him before quickly exiting the office and grabbing Ian's arm and started to quickly lead him to her apartment before Mr. Fisher could change his mind. [color=ed145b]"Sorry about that! He wanted to chat for a second. Anyways, here it is."[/color] Eliza told him before quickly opening the door with the new key and letting him inside. Ian had totally not been eavesdropping on the conversation when he scuttled away from the door when Eliza rushed out, pulling him by the arm to the apartment. As she did so, he gave a small smile to Mr.Fisher, hoping he could prove himself to be not as bad as the man thought he was. Though come to thin about it, he was still kinda bad either way. When Eliza brought him into her home, he looked around for a bit, taking a second to assess the place before turning to his boss with a thumbs-up. [color=aba000]"Nice place you got here boss, and once again, I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here. I promise that I'll try my best not to break your trust, or that of the old guy downstairs."[/color] As Ian spoke, Leroy took his chance to inspect his new surroundings, leaping from his perch on Eliza to the ground and quickly vanishing down one of the hallways. Ian watched him go with a wary eye, taking note to keep his eyes open at all times, lest he fall pray to a sneak attack from the little devil. [color=aba000]"So then, why don't you give this 'ruffian' the grand tour of the place, and before you say anything, I don't eavesdrop. You see, one of the reason I keep that little rat around is for info gathering, we can communicate telepathically. He told me everything the two of you said, transmitted it live to my own mind." [/color] This was a complete lie, of course, but he liked to see how long it took people to figure it out. . . and it also provided an explanation for his habit of talking to the ferret, or more precise, his tendency to curse he fucker out. He just tells people that the ferret was insulting him first(which probably wasn't a lie at all given the bastard's attitude), and he doesn't seem nearly as crazy as he looks when he does it. Still pretty crazy, but not 'lock me up in an asylum' crazy. He'd been put in an Asylum once, and it had been fucking boring as shit, so he broke out. Okay that was a lie, he had broken out of multiple asylums in the past, as his erratic behavior had caused a lot of people to thing something was not alright in his head. He wasn't entirely sure they were wrong, but he hated doing nothing for too long, and that was all you did in an asylum. They just sucked. Eliza stared at him when he said that bit about his connection to Leroy. It seemed like bs. It sounded like bs. Eliza was pretty sure it was bs. But she wasn't 100% sure and she really didn't feel like challenging that for now. [color=ed145b]"Well to start with, the "old guy downstairs" Is named Edward Fisher. He prefers to be called either Mr. Fisher or Sir, so calling him that might help you get on his good side. Anyways, let's start that tour. We're basically in the living room right now."[/color] She told him as she spread her arm around the area. There was a small couch and a tv stand and tv. [color=ed145b]"Over there is the kitchen."[/color] Another sweep of her arm to a doorway to the right revealed a decent kitchen with a stove, a sink, some cupboards, a fridge with a freezer, and a small table with a few chairs. [color=ed145b]"You can eat some of the food but if you eat all of it I'm taking it out of your paycheck."[/color] She told him before making a follow me motion to deeper into the apartment to the last three rooms. [color=ed145b]"This is my room"[/color] She told him, leading him to the room furthest on the right. It wasn't a big room but it was decent. There was a bed, a dresser and a small closet. The room was decorated with several pictures exotic places with strange little nick knacks covering the dresser. [color=ed145b]"Important rule to remember, if I'm not in here, neither should you be."[/color] Eliza told him before leading him to the room on the far left. It was exactly like her bedroom, but empty. Even the bed only had a mattress. [color=ed145b]"This is your room. If you need some sheets or something, you can borrow some of mine till you can get your own."[/color] After that, she lead him to the middle door which was the bathroom. It held a shower/tub, a toilet, and sink with a medicine cabinet. [color=ed145b]"Annnnnndddd, I think that's it."[/color] Eliza said as she lead him back to the living room. [color=ed145b]"Any questions?"[/color] [color=aba000]"Nope, it's got everything I could ever need, and who needs sheets, not this guy."[/color] Ian smiled as he took his blanket and laid it out over the bed. Then he remembered what he planned to be doing on this bed, and what a mess there was afterwards. [color=aba000]"On second thought, I will be needing them, a lot of them, but that can come later. I'll be sure to talk to Mr. Fisher soon enough, try and put him at ease about me."[/color] Ian then reached into his special bag, which held everything he owned personally(which isn't a lot), and it was special because he thought it deserved to be. from it he pulled out a couple of picture frames, around 5 mid-sized ones. They were all selfies, since his phone was the only camera he had, 3 of them holding pics of him at the Great Sphinx(age 14), the Great Wall of China(Age 15), and the Taj Mah Hall(Age 16), but the other two were a bit unexpected. In each one it showed Ian smiling at the camera with a different girl who looked to be close to his age in the picture, 17 and 18 respectively, and in the girl's arms were a baby, one of which seemed to have a chubby looking tail poking out of the bundle that held it, the other having a darker skin tone similar to Ian's own, if a shade or two lighter. The girl that held the darker skinned baby had long, firely red hair and a face speckled with freckles the the child seemed to have inherited, as well as her shining green eyes. The other one was a smaller girl with dark brown hair and dark grey eyes, and she had an odd expression on her face that seemed to be a strange mix of shy, embarrassed, relieved, tired, and extremely happy all at once. Ian took a second to look at the two photos before he set them down, pulling up his phone and pulling up a calendar application. [color=aba000]"Damn, sheets may have to wait for a bit, have to save up money for a trip to Ireland and . . . [i]Aisa[/i] later this year, which means that I'll have to try and turn down my game a little. . . or I could stick up my own sheets from some fabric at the fabric store. Yes, you are a genus Ian."[/color] Ian placed a few more knick-knacks across the room here and there, give it a bit more personal flare, before he walked out with a happy jaunt in his step, his little patchwork bag clinking softly behind him. [color=aba000]"See you later Boss, the town is always too quiet in the morning for my liking, so I'll go and make some noise, as is my duty."[/color] And with a soft salute, he was gone, Leroy soon following after him in a streak of black, scuttling up to rest on top of Ian's head, almost looking like a furry hat with how tightly he wrapped around it. After walking some ways out into the town, he soon found himself at the local Cafe, a devilish smile on his face as he walked inside to see his favorite target for pranking. [color=aba000]"Why hello my Serpentine beauty, have you been having a pleasant day so far, if so, then I'm hear to make it a bit more exciting, per the norm. Might as well slap the cuffs on and get it over with right, ha-ha, but just so we're clear, that was a joke, so please don't actually cuff me."[/color] Ian quickly explained his humor once he realized that the snake woman might actually take him up on his offer, which would ruin his plans for the morning and the afternoon. [color=aba000]"And who is this ravishing creature that stands before you, I don't believe we've met. My name is Ian Carver, and I'd be honored if you'd give me the pleasure of knowing your name?"[/color] Ian turned to the one he didn't recognize, a woman in a rather revealing garb with some sort of skull headdress on. Interesting. Leroy, on the other hand, had his beady little eyes trained not the bird with in the Lamia's grasp, licking his lips in anticipation. But first it would wait for the perfect moment to strike. [@Queen Cobra] [@Satsuki] [/hider] TL;DR: A continuation of the events of the last collar post, Ian gets taken to Eliza's home, some ground rules are set, Eliza's landlord expresses his dislike of her choice of company, and some background is given to Ian, the specifics of which you'll have to find out yourself. Ian is know currently speaking to Oebra and Milivon, joking with the former and flirting with the latter. Leroy, the demon ferret, has been introduced as well and is currently eyeing Lancelot as a possible meal.