[@onenote][@shivershiver] [b][u]Dulla-chan[/u][/b] Dulla-chan had been concentrating, thinking hard on a possible solution to this problem. She considered and discarded many before settling on using her teeth to grab a hold of an appropriate stick and using it to pole her way over to her body. She was looking around for a nearby stick when she was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream that caused her to let out a little shout of surprise of her own. "AHH! W-what?" She looked around and caught sight of someone standing in the edge of her vision. Another person arrived directly in front of her, a woman with wings, and asked if she needed help and Dulla-chan couldn't help but feel the tinge of her injured pride. A smug smirk appeared on her face as she blew a strand of blonde hair out of her face. "Heh. As if one such I would require thy help. I am being beyond comprehension. Even this is nothing before my power." As she spoke her body climbed clumsily to it's feet and started stumbling around blindly, arms outstretched. "Sonofa-!" She flinched as her body collided with a trashcan, knocking it over and causing a domino effect. "Ow ow ow!" Her body jumped around, clutching her foot, for a few seconds. Once she had recovered, Dulla-chan was silent for a long moment, her face turning a bit red. "M-maybe I need a little bit of help..." She mumbled, sulkily, refusing to look directly at the winged woman.