[u][b]Simon, Sophie, Ian and Mitch[/b][/u]

The bored officer inspected the small bird who trilled and ruffled it's feathers at her cooing. Deft eyes flitted to stare at the llama hybrid who approached her, giving him one of her mischievous smirks. Her long fangs could be seen, glinting in the sunlight that shone on her. The snake woman made a show of stretching her body in the warm sunlight, purring lowly as her body began to heat up in the sun's rays. She eyed the centaur's expression critically, not impressed with his facade. If he were truly frightened, he would be covered in hot coffee by now.

''[b][color=9e0b0f]You've kept me waiting here all alone this morning, Simon. I was frightened that you had moved on from our little... thing.[/color][/b]'' The snake woman replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Today it seemed like she wanted to tease him a little, just because she was in the mood for it. Her full, red lips smiled sweetly but not so sweetly at him, offering him a small wink to hint at her silent meaning. The Naga made a small laugh in response to his comment about Albert.

''[color=9e0b0f][b]I don't swallow children. I would be breaking the law that I enforce by doing that. I prefer adults myself...[/b][/color]'' The Police-snake responded, her tongue darting out with hidden meaning. Her piercing eyes quickly shifted to Albert who was shakily carrying the drinks into the cafe's lounge. He looked as if he could have a heart attack at any moment. Poor kid. He was lucky that Oerba was on the side of the law and not otherwise. The snake woman would've had fun scaring the wits out of the boy on purpose. Her hands opened to let the little bird escape and once again take flight. Taking the cup offered to her, she offered Simon a thanks before she sipped on her coffee and warmed her hands on the cup.

It was piping hot, but her body was designed to take sweltering temperatures so she felt no discomfort. Her horned head looked up to notice the new arrival who greeted her. She nodded her head towards her.

''[b][color=9e0b0f]Morning, Sophie. I do believe this young bird is here to teach courage to Albert. The poor lad is afraid of serpents, yet this bird flew towards me with all the confidence in the world. I hope you are faring well this cold day.[/color][/b]'' The Naga responded, offering the Jackal a friendly smile with a slight gleam in her eye. Her lips pressed against the coffee cup again as she took a sip, savouring the bittersweet flavour of coffee and the enjoyable heat that warmed her belly. Her eyes inspected the Jackal-woman who stood before her. The Naga found this woman attractive to look at and offered her a sly smirk, her eyes gleaming with hidden motives.

Noticing the other snake morph in the cafe waving at her, she offered him a nod of her head in acknowledgement. He wasn't a Naga, but he was the closest thing to kin she had around these parts. [I][color=ed1c24]Although, an attractive Naga female to take the loneliness from my nights would be nice...[/color][/I] The officer thought to herself, a sly smirk stretching across her face.

Soon, a bad smell entered the cafe and the Naga made a show of covering her nose and making disgusted noises.

''[color=9e0b0f][b]Has something died in here? Oh, it's just Carver. Wake up in your own piss this morning? Again?[/b][/color]'' Oerba commented, her red lips widening into a malicious smirk whilst her fangs elongated involuntarily. 

''[b][color=9e0b0f]I would, but you would enjoy it too much, lecher. And there is no way my pristine body is going anywhere near your flea-covered one.[/color][/b]'' The snake woman responded, spreading out her hand so she could inspect her perfect, but deadly manicure. The Naga's red, glowing eyes then shifted to the ferret that was staring down the small bird. A quiet, but dominant growl sounded from her throat, warning it of it's death sentence if it dared to strike. Being a predator herself, Oerba has been known to feed on small, insignificant creatures such as ferrets.