In modern day New York City, the night is a fun and dangerous place. People vanish off the streets though they are often found again. In the night there lives a secret, so dark that many refuse to admit that it's true and go about their daily lives with ease. Fearing without realizing it, the threat that very much posses a danger to them after the suns falls from the sky every night to leave them waiting for the sun to rise the following day. Vampires. Beneath the known society of humans, the secrecy of the Slayers, and the cover of night, vampires live with their own society beneath ours, hidden and lost in time. The Pure Bloods rule all others, keeping them in line so they are not exposed; aristocrats use words instead of fangs to find their way into favour of the royal family and keep their corners free of troublesome vampires; the turned survive by living their own lives. Slayers threaten this way of existence and the vampires hate when one trespasses in their territory. --- This is a role play where one will most likely play as a vampire within this society, living and acting out how it is to live with this monarchy and the struggles that come with being a vampire. With the drama, fighting and romance that comes with it and all. [hr] [hider=Vampire Characteristics] [hider=Weaknesses] [u]Sunlight;[/u] Direct contact with the sun burns their skin, and turns them to ash with enough exposure. It heals quickly when no longer exposed if they are properly fed on the blood of the living. Indirect contact is uncomfortable but not deadly, so a vampire may stand in the shade beneath a tree during the day and not die, though they cannot leave that spot of shade without an umbrella. [u]Fire;[/u] Very few vampires have an affinity for fire, though those that do are just as susceptible to its torture. Fire is one of the very things that can completely destroy the average vampire. It burns the body just like the sun though it reduces everything, including the bones, to ashes. Light exposure if easy to survive, burns take longer to heal but feeding speeds up with process, and severe burns may end in dead without blood. [u]Stakes;[/u] Few things can paralyze a vampire entirely without killing it; a stake to the heart does just that though the stronger the vampire the less likely it is to work. With weaker vampires it may simply be the beginning of death for the creature, younger ones, for those who are old, strong or pure, a simple stake to the heat will barely slow them down. On average the vampire remains paralyzed for one minute, if recently fed, two if not. [u]Dead Man’s Blood;[/u] the blood of the dead is never a pleasant drink for vampires. In fact it is poisonous if the deceased is dead for more than three days when the blood is taken from the body. It is stale at one, unpleasant at two and deadly at three. It crowds the vampires veins and causes hemorrhaging in the body to try and get it out of the system. Veins flare in irritation, fangs protrude and eventually they begin to vomit. [s][u]Werewolf Bites;[/u] the bite of a werewolf is the only sure-fire way to kill any vampire without ever having to do anything to them. It heals over quickly, normally, as if they weren't really hurt but it only takes twelve hours for it to show itself again in the flakes of skin at the site of the bite. The skin and muscles twitches as if there are worms beneath the skin and soon the vampire seems to catch a fever. They binge on blood, start to hallucinate and eventually they go rabid in which case they will drink themselves to death and die in a pool of blood among a possible thousand victims of their crazy. [/s] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [u]Heightened Senses; [/u]All vampires have, to a certain degree, much stronger senses than the average human. Turned vampires have the weakest senses in comparison and pure bloods can hear often as far as a mile away without a problem. They`re sight allows them to pick out small details among many, scent can pick anything out easily in the air though tracking it is a matter of skill, not heritage. Their sense of touch is heightened as well, leaving the pleasureful touches all the more exciting and the painful even more painful. [u]Inhuman Strength;[/u] a vampire who feeds regularly on human blood is capable of much more those who do not, leaving them able to break through large cement walls or throw cars. Those who do not are significantly weaker than avid drinkers, but it is easier to control for them. It is learned to control this ability. [u]Inhuman Speed;[/u] pretty much teleporting to the human eyes, only vampires and Slayers are able to track their movements though only the former can react in time and intercept. This is easily controlled by any vampires and all are the same speed unless their Gifts say otherwise. [u]Compulsion;[/u] a form of hypnotism that only a vampire may do on a human, or a pure blood on another vampire; this is used by looking the intended victim in the eyes and catching them in a sense, giving complete control to the vampire in this case. They may demand anything of the victim, from forgetting their memories to killing themselves or each other, including actions that are completely out of the ordinary for the person. It wears off after the action is performed. [/hider] [hider=Biology] A vampire is dead, a living corpse, whose heart beats and skin is warm only because of the blood they drink. Vampires are sterile, unable to produce offspring or even conceive them as well. All vampires, regardless of their creation, have smooth, flawless skin, striking eyes, fair skin and silky hair. Their nails are strong and their bones are hard enough to withstand their own strength though another vampire can break them as well. They heal fast, so long as there isn't anything obstructing the wound from closing. When a human becomes a vampire, all old injuries are healed and scars go away, as well as any excess fat. Hair and nails grow exceptionally fast. Essentially, becoming a vampire makes you smoking hot. Vampires who became by binging on blood are the only ones able to reproduce – the chances are low but it’s possible – and rear offspring with a beating heart. They age until maturity though they stop at the age of 20, with little to no way to tell how old they really are. These vampires are unaffected by the normal effects of incest on childbirth and development, making it possible for the Pure Bloods to remain so and as such be who they are born to be. [/hider] [hider=Gifts] Gifts are a single or a set of powers beyond their usual abilities that a vampire may posses. Not all vampires have them - very few cases have been recorded in Turned Vampires - but many of the Aristocrats have them and nearly every single Pure Blood has a set of two or three powers that make them stronger than all the rest. These Gifts come in all forms, anything from telepathy to shapeshifting to control of the elements. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Royals and Pure Bloods] The Juran family has ruled the vampires since they first came to dominate the aristocratic society, their power greater and their heirs always the more beautiful and coveted of the pure blood families who's numbers slowly dwindle and flicker out as well. The royal family often keeps their children away from each other for the first years of their lives and almost always away from vampire society - their existence kept a secret from all other vampires outside the family. They do not interact with the rest of vampire society for their first one hundred years, spending the time learning and bonding with their siblings in hopes that they really will love each other instead of settle for duty. It is rare that an outsider marries one of the royals, though there have been cases when an outsider was brought into the family because they did not have a living daughter and married the kings son after the queen had died. In other, more common, cases, children of the royal family would marry other pure bloods when the two who would become king and queen had parented at least one child. Pure Bloods are vampires who's blood has never once been diluted by a humans genes, and by nature are stronger and more dominant than their aristocrat cousins. They have a base instinct that no other vampire types has - the instinct to be with other pure bloods. They may seek them out at times, though most are content with those who are around them - namely, the family. By their nature they would never become sexually involved with anyone who was not a Pure Blood, much like a cat wouldn't be sexually involved with a dog. To them, the sweetest blood is that of other Pure Bloods and often when they become really attached to someone it is the only blood they really enjoy. Of all the vampires, Pure Bloods are the only ones who able to build up a tolerance to sunlight, and eventually an immunity to it's effects, by exposing themselves to it regularly. [/hider] [hider=Family Backgrounds - WIP] [hider=Juran] The previous King became at a very young age after his father died with his elder brother, after they had been captured by a rival family of Pure Bloods - the Shiyumi - who want to take their place as the royal family and rulers of vampires. They're bodies were sent back as a warning, burned and in boxes and that was when Tarren came into power. He was the youngest of three sons, but with his surviving older brother away, tracking down their killers and training new, turned warriors to fight for them, he became king while his mother raised her final child. Tarren ruled alone for a very long time, while his mother raised his younger sister in secret, in a house far from where they knew he was and brought her to him when she was ready to become queen. He was reaching his four hundredth year when he met the girl. She was two hundred years his junior, but beautiful and willing to learn and rule. They revealed her to the public only when she was already married to him and very much in love - and very pregnant with their first child. There were no open threats, not with the aristocratic families so clearly endeared with the innocent woman who had become the Queen so suddenly, seemingly overnight. Their first son was the only son the two had though there first three children were girls, all as sweet and beautiful as their mother. There forth came four hundred years after she had first come to be his Queen, the boy would be the King and the second last child the two would bare in this life time. They didn't try as hard for children anymore, she drank less blood when she did not need the bonuses it granted. He was raised away from society, where none would know of him while his sisters attended balls and soirees, courted by other Pure Blood young vampires. All of the other families had gathered when they thought that there was no male heir, looking to have their sons marry the daughters in hopes that they would come to power because of it and rule when the Juran died out. Fortunately, this was not the case and after the family had ceased to see the public for several years, they appeared again with the son married to their youngest daughter. He had had his choice of girls and picked the smartest of the three, albeit the most humble in nature. And now, here we are, with them and their children. [/hider] [hider=Asvirial] The Asvirial family was founded by a pair of Pure Blood siblings that are now known as, Michael, and Noelle around a thousand years ago. At least, that’s the estimation. In truth, no one really knows how old the family is. The founders of the family are still alive, however, they have taken refuge underground to keep the eyes of the aristocrats as well as other Pure Bloods off of them. It is said that this group of Pure Bloods hailed from egypt, having held claim to the throne of the Pharaoh for more than 2 centuries before they took their leave of it. The reason for which they left their rather content life is unknown, but it is speculated that a war broke out between their people. This war, if it truly did happen, was said to have wrought the land full of plagues, leaving it naught but a shell of what it used to be. It is unclear whether this was a civil war, or one between their empire and another’s, however, one thing is certain: When they left, they left silently. No one would see hide nor hair of them again for nearly 300 years. By this point they had already had their first son, Solomon, another apparently on the way. At this time they were living in Asia as nobility, under the pretence of being a friend to the emperor of china at the time. At the same time that they reemerged to the Vampiric community, Asia’s wars with Genghis Khan were getting worse, and China had just begun the construction of the Great Wall. Michael was enlisted in the war effort. With his help as a general they were able to push Khan back, but it cost them a hefty price. Michael was thought to have been killed in the war. Shortly thereafter, Noelle, along with both her oldest--as well as her newly born son, Malic--disappeared. Another 300 years passed before all four of them were spotted again on a boat to the New World. It wasn’t until Virginia was founded that they proclaimed their return to Vampire Society. Unlike most Pure Blood families, the Arvirial did not seek to become royal, or to take what power the Juran had. They sought only to live their lives as they pleased. They were strong, however, and this made them feared by others of their kind. Noelle was once quoted in saying that they went into hiding whenever they felt their lives were in danger from another Pure Blood family. She didn’t understand why they were so afraid of them. None of the family had ever said a cross word to anyone, and it was rare that they were even seen in public. So, why? Why did other families have problems with them? It’s thought that the reason was entirely due to the fact that they didn’t try to become royalty. Some thought that they were pompous and conniving, while others who knew of their strength simply thought they were lying in wait. A few years after they declared themselves to the public again, they had a daughter, Emelia. She was the light of their family’s world, and Solomon’s only love. When the time finally came for the two to be wed and take over their family, Emelia was kidnapped. A few months later, after tireless nights of searching, the Vampire’s corpse was found rotted at the bottom of ravine. To this day, no one knows who actually killed the girl, and Solomon disappeared shortly after her death. Michael and Noelle knew nothing about where Solomon had gone, or why he’d left, they could only imagine the pain he was going through. Even they were having trouble dealing with the loss of their daughter. Around this point, their second son, Malic disappeared as well. It’s thought that he went to find his brother, but no one can really be sure. When he finally returned to America, he was the husband of a turned vampire with no brother in toe. His parents, while they accepted his decision, had had another three children in his absence. Two daughters, and a son. These would be the last children they would have before they disappeared for the final time, leaving Malic to rule their house in their stead. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Slayer Information] [hider=Summary] Slayer; a person who is different than the rest of humanity, and chooses to hunt down and kill vampires. Slayers, or Hunters, as they are commonly referred to, are the human descendants of a human who once attempted to become a vampire through drinking blood and somehow managed to survive and not become a vampire. The blood still tainted their system and their children carry that taint in their own blood though they are not and never can, become vampires. They have slightly better than average senses and reflexes, their eyes able to follow the movements of vampires when they're using their supersonic speed though there bodies do not heal as fast. They are stronger and can take more hits than a human, have a slight irritation to sunlight and often wear sunglasses outside. Some are completely aware of their heritage and chose not to hunt vampires either, others are blissfully unaware though the majority of this rare breed hunts down what was almost their kill and kills it. [/hider] [hider=Killing a Vampire] There are very few steps required in the slaying of a vampire, though there is an issue with the execution, since vampires are hard to predict and stronger. [u]Step one;[/u] Staking. The goal here is to ram a wooden stake through their heart and paralyses them long enough to kill them. Be careful, if you miss your chance you’re dead. [u]Step Two;[/u] Beheading. Once you've successfully paralyzed the vampire, it’s best to cut off its head right away and move it away from the body. If the head reattaches, it’ll kill you. [u]Step Three;[/u] Burning. Once you've successfully detained the vampire, it’s best to light the body on fire and burn it until there’s nothing but ashes left. An accident could always have brought the vampire back to life. [u]Step Four;[/u] Scatter the Ashes. Scattering the ashes makes sure that no blood dropped on the ash pile or in the jar, can cause the body to reform and live again. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Becoming a Vampire] There are two routes one could take when looking to become an immortal of darkness, doomed to never see the light of day again. First, is the traditional way, the second, the lesser. [u]The Traditional Way[/u] To become a vampire this one, a human simply needs to drink the blood of a vampire and died with it still in their system. Once ones dies and then comes back to life they must feed on the blood of a living human to complete the transition. Easy sure, but likely not so much. There is a 25% chance of a real death that the human will not surface from after initially dying. After that, 20% of vampire initiates die after feeding. Again, half of those vampires go into a feeding frenzy and are unable to control themselves and end up killed by either Slayers or other vampires. [u]The Not so Traditional Way[/u] The second way requires a lot more strength, luck and dedication. To drink the blood of a vampire and die is easy and painless, but those who take this way go through unimaginable pain to attain the immortality they covet. The humans must first drink the vampire’s blood, then another human – fresh and living – and back again. Over the course of several weeks the human will undergo a transformation unlike the traditional and will become a vampire while their heart still beats. This is a more risky change, ending with only 1% of attempts leading to the human successfully becoming a vampire. Only 1% of the cases that do not become a vampire survive, many choke and die because of the vampire blood poisoning them, though vampires view this as simply ‘not being strong enough’. [/hider] [hider=Vampire Society & Social Structure] [hider=Breeds of Vampire] [u]Pure Bloods;[/u] the royals of the vampire society, they are stronger and more heavily gifted than any other type of vampire. You cannot become a royal vampire, you must be born it. [u]Aristocrats;[/u] these are vampires born as vampires, though they have at least a touch of human in their blood that no other vampire type can claim. They serve the royals unflinchingly, because they covet their favour and power. [u]Turned;[/u] vampires who were not born what they are, instead they had been created as such by another vampire for some purpose, or simply because the human begged. The created in number, they are generally weaker than the other types of vampires, though many go about their lives normally without interference from the Aristocrats or the Pure Bloods – unless they've broken the code. [/hider] [hider=Hierarchy] [center] Pure Bloods Aristocrats -Oldest and most favoured families first then the rest- Turned Blood Donators -Viewed above the rest of humanity for willingly donating their blood to feed vampires without the need for compulsion- Humans [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Rules&Regulations] 1) Honesty is the best policy. Always be truthful when dealing with players OOC, hiding things and lies make it difficult to make sure everyone is having a good time. 2) Let us know if you are going to be away for a while, then move your character off to the side so no one gets stuck waiting too long. 3) Seeing as there will most likely be a variety of locations in this role play, every post should include location, character name and time at the top to stay organized. Tag all players involved in your post as well. 4) All Guild rules apply without exception. 5) As before choosing a position or a power or if anything goes against or around anything that's been stated here previously. 6) You may have as many characters as you like an create as many intricate dramatic plots as you wish as long as it follows the general premises. Ask me before doing anything that could affect the entirety of the role play or if there's a plot you would think will work here. 7) Have fun everyone More can and will be added at a later date. Please, check back regularly. [/hider] [hider=Positions] [b][u]Pure Bloods - Royalty[/u][/b] King: Queen: [b]Prince(eldest child):[/b] Prince Matthieu Xavier Juran [b]Princess(only daughter):[/b] Princess Viridiana Rose Juran Prince(middle child): [b]Aristocrats[/b] [u]Archantun Family[/u] [u]Julial Family[/u] [u]Hynritch Family[/u] Sebastian Hynritch - Younger brother of the current Head of House [u][b]Slayer Society[/b][/u] Matron: [woman leader of the society] Patron: [male leader of society] Slayers: -two for now, may add more later- Names and Houses and who they are will be added as characters are made. [/hider] [hider=Character Roster] [u][b]Vampires[/b][/u] [u]Pure[/u] Viridiana Rose - [@ViolentViolet] Matthieu Xavier - [@Heat] [u]Aristocrats[/u] Sebastian Hynritch - [@ViolentViolet] [u]Turned[/u] Mithias Varomere - [@Wraithblade6] Aria Giselle - [@TheHangedMan] Caerina Voxirin Naelistrum - [@Celaira] Cecily Markov/Loconta - [@ViolentViolet] [b][u]Humans[/u][/b] [u]Donators[/u] Ian Glider - [@Trinais] [u]Oblivious[/u] [u][b]Slayers[/b][/u] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [center] "Quote" Appearance -real or anime, I don't really care- Name: Age: Sex: Sexual Preference: Vampire/Human/Slayer Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned -vampires only- House: -Aristocrats only- Family: -Familial Relations & Bond close enough to be family- Significant Other -If applicable- Gifts -all should be pretty close to unique for high level vampires- Personality -brief is fine, be sure to flesh out IC- Biography -Optional mostly. Slayers must say why they hunt- Extras -Anything else you want to share about your character- [/center] [/hider] Two more Pure Blood Families are coming soon - You may make your own Aristocratic Families(only 2 currently, PM for permission).