Lena Pierce awoke with a start as someone knocked on the door to her office. She sat up in her chair, having apparently fallen asleep at her desk the night before. She peeled the top page of a medical report off her face and placed it back on the top of it's pile before rubbing the sleep from her eyes and readjusting her glasses back into their proper position on her face. She stood up, slipping her hands into the pockets of her labcoat only for one of them to come back out a moment later, clutching a half eaten candy bar which she proceeded to take bite out of, ignoring the occasional bit of white fluff that coated it. Her snack was interrupted by yet another knock and she turned towards the door. [color=00aeef][b]"Yeah, come in! The door's open!"[/b][/color] She called out, swallowing a mouthful of chocolate. The door opened to admit the receptionist. They were the only two people working in the building, as the Diehlstadt Medical Clinic was a very small practice. [b]"Dr Pierce."[/b] The receptionist said as she entered. [b]"Those x rays you ordered came in this morning."[/b] She handed Lena a medical envelope before returning to her desk in the waiting room, closing the door behind her. Lena opened the envelope and spread the x rays out on her desk before switching on the light box on her wall and selecting a few of the slides to place there so that she could see them. The x rays showed the upper back of a humanoid skeleton complete with a spine, shoulder blades and ribcage. This skeleton, however, also had a pair of wings growing out of the shoulder blades. Lena studied the x-ray closely for a few minutes, munching on her old candy bar. The delicate finger bones of the wings showed signs of over a dozen minute fractures that had since healed up more or less nicely. Lena slipped what was left of the candy bar back into her pocket before sitting back down at her desk and picking up a pencil, at which point she began to finish a sketch she'd been drawing of an Angel's Skeletal Structure, for her book.