As per PM invitation... [b]Name[/b]: Bane Thronshield [b]Age[/b]: 62 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Scraggly, not well kept up. Light skinned with a large body mass, with muscles from years of work and fighting (although it’s not as obvious now, having sat in a barrel of wine for seven years).. About 5’8. Blue eyes and looks like he always has a scowl on his face (that’s just normal, though). He is very rarely without armor, although now that armor looks as bad as he does. [b]Skills[/b]: -Strong fighter. He can use a variety of weapons well, although axes (and particularly his axe) are his preference. Very skilled, although he likes to also throw his body weight around when fighting (slamming into enemies, punching when the option is open, kicking, etc). -Muscular. One good punch by this guy can floor a man in armor, although that effect is reduced when very drunk and slightly weakened over the years of simple bar-brawls. -Coldly determined. His years in the Knights, especially in his youth, trained him to make sacrifices whenever they are necessary, and he will not shy from killing his foes. [b]Type of Magic[/b]: -Aura of battle. He lives for war and makes a fearsome opponent, even more so when he is “activated” (ie, his power). He suffers less from minor wounds and can take more punishment than is usual, although anything fatal will immediately make this ability useless. The aura strikes fear into the hearts of lesser foes, although this is less effective against opponents with strong wills or equal in his battle ability. [b]Weapon[/b]: A one handed battle axe (although it can be used in both hands as well, although that’s a bit awkward given that the axe isn’t all that long). Roughly the size of a pickaxe, with a curved blade that has seen many enemies. [b]Personality[/b]: He cares not very much for emotions of other people. This makes him seem like a very dark and unforgiving person, but if someone does make friends with him, he sticks by then for a long time, particularly in battle. He’s useless with advice on relationships. He says what he thinks and has gotten in trouble for it. [b]Flaws[/b]: His fighting style is more aimed to take on small groups of people, not large groups or individuals, so although he can hold off, say, a team of brigands, he isn’t quite as effective against a single skilled opponent. He isn’t very agile and his age hasn’t helped with that. Never give him a bow, or he would be more likely to shoot himself in the head than do anything else. Drinking is a very big problem for him. It’s what gets him into fights the most and amplifies his weaknesses. 7 years of drinking is not easy to break, and he won’t be too good in RP combat until folks get him fully sober. [b]Background[/b] Bane started off in a family that was renowned for its bar brawls, in a small western town called Tarvanon. His father was a regular at the bar and the one to teach his son how to fight initially (he’s the one where the dirty fighting comes from). He started drinking at 8 years old. He didn’t have a mother (nothing is known as to what happened to her) and he lived with three brothers, all smaller than he was. All three brothers joined brigand groups and were, over time, taken out by Knights. The guard recruited him at a young age. He went through all standard training quite well, and was accepted as a Squire. This was in a time of rebellions coming up more frequently, so he quickly advanced himself by swiftly eliminating rebellions, first with his team, and then smaller suspected ones in ambushes by himself. These “honorary duties” earned him the title of “Knight Commander” at the mere age of 36; a very rare occurrence. His first doubts came when he had a special mission: take his team to exterminate a small village that had been a root of many rebellious people. He saw everything wrong with it; the vast majority of the villagers were innocent and included many women and children. He never was much for emotion, but this struck him as completely unnecessary. Being a good soldier, he completed the mission with a team of knights and was praised for his honor. He made it clear, in no short words, to the Knight Supreme his disagreement with the decision. A week later came his response - three knights, all from his old team, sent to kill him for treason. It was around the time that the Revival went to the King, and he had heard of the declarations that all of the Revival (some of whom were friends of his) were marked traitors. he regretfully disabled two of the knights and killed the third before running away. Now fully disillusioned of the Order, he joined the Revival as an outcast and participated in its battles until the end, when he was overcome by the Knight Supreme. The sacrifice of the leader of the Revival gave him one opportunity for survival, and choking down his pride he took it. Over seven years, he has frequented a bar as a regular. Once quite muscular, powerful, and proud, he lost all that to drink. His own friends wouldn’t even recognise what he has become. [b]Other[/b]: In roleplay, his habit of drinking would have to be broken. Not nicely either; he pursues the bottle. I took a little liberty with the Knight Supreme bit, so if I have a hope of being accepted and you just want that bit changed, perfectly OK.